How to stay positive with Quiet Quitters!

Nick Youngson – –

We all know one or two quiet quitters

I don’t say this lightly, I am sure you know one or two people who don’t do as much work as the rest of the people. You probably even started to get annoyed with them because they aren’t doing as much as you. There’s even a small chance that you have started hinting to the higher ups about them. You know I think they probably already know and nothing you can say or do will make them do the work like they should. You just have to admit and do what you can for yourself. You can’t control what others do or how they do their jobs. The only thing you can really do is make it a positive experience for yourself.  So the real question is how do you not get dragged down by the people in the office and always have a positive mindset.   I am going to talk to about how I do it when I need a pick me from all the negativity in the office.

Think about your future

This one has helped me tramendously, even if I have to work at the same job for a while, I am always thinking about what will come next and that always keeps me from dwelling on those who don’t do their jobs.   It isn’t always easy and that can be very challenging at times because who you might have to deal with and not get angry with.  It however isn’t the only thing I do.

Find Reason to be Thankful

This is something I do all the time, because when I am finding reason to be thankful all the negativity goes away.  I find coming up with positive things to say to myself every morning to help me get up and go to work.  It also helps me keep myself from worry about those quiet quitters as much because you know when your happy they don’t seem to bother me.  I am doing my own little thing and they can stay where they are.  It’s not easy sometimes and it can be quiet difficult to deal with them or work with them but sometimes that is just the price of getting paid.

Don’t Dwell on their inactions

It can be quite hard not to think about what they aren’t doing and what you are doing.   They will be bored or not doing much work for the hours they are there.  You probably have even dwelled on just how fustrating that can be when they aren’t working nearly enough.  You have to stop watching them because it will not help you.  This is another easy to say but hard to do, because we all see them and think how they are keeping their jobs?   That is their problem not ours to worry about and we should just keep busy and let them be.

 Find People who appreciate you

This can seem so simple but very useful.  Even if your current job people don’t appreciate you, those aren’t the only people who can show you appreciation.  You can find people who appreciate you all over the world not just in your little part of the world.  Even that small amount of people who appreciate you will make going to job that much easier and more enjoyable because they are the true reasons why you go to work.  Not the people there or even your boss, people who want you to be happy will always show you their appreciation and respect.   The job is just a job and that is where you will have to be but that doesn’t mean you can be happy at your job.   Let everyone else be unhappy but you can be happy and enjoy yourself at work.

Even these small recommendations will help you to get a better perspective on what you want to accomplish at your job daily.  Keep you moving forward and maybe even make you a little bit more happier than the rest of your coworkers.  Who know’s they are probably watching just because they want to be as happy as you and are trying to find out how to do it.  Do you have tips that help you with keeping a positive mindset?  why not share them and help others find ways to keep themselves happy.

How to stay positive as a computer technician and why it helps!

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Those Negative customers

Let’s face it, if you have been in IT for the last few months than you’ve probably seen it.   Not enough technicians and to many customers.  It seems to be a constant problem with how things are progressing with all the now hiring.   We’ve all seen difficult customers but what about negative employees?  Has that been a thing or is it just the customers?   It can be very difficult to keep positive and be a  able to feel like you are doing something productive.   Not all technicians will ever see it that way, they are there just for money and they aren’t going to worry about accomplishing anything real but to get money.     Now that it can be extremely difficult to deal with customers and other employees, when they are being negative.

Dealing with negative Employees

We’ve all be there.  You’ve probably got a negative employee you have to deal with at work.   It isn’t easy and we should also figure out how to deal with customers in the same right.   All the negativity can bring out the worse in customers and people.  I’ve seen it happen and know how it can create even more difficult situations when it comes to coming into work and see how that can effect other employees.  It isn’t always easy to deal with customers or even employees, but I thought there could be a few ways you could do to change the tone in how they come off to others and help make a better job for everyone in return.

Staying positive

Here we are trying to stay positive in what we do.   Not everyone will be positive and this might not work for every one but I thought it would at least help with some of the situations you might have.  I am going to say these are just what has helped me in my current situation and who knows it might work for you too.

  • Music —  If you can listen music while dealing with negative customers it can help keep your spirits high.   It however depends on how you can communicate with the customers.  So it has to be really soft and not be overpowering.   You should also have an option to disable it real quickly if it something like having to talk to a person over the phone.   So it might not be the best thing but it will help.  Also listen to positive music and not anything negative to help with the negativity.
  • Boundaries — Seems to work for me with customers and employees.  Knowing that you have boundaries will keep them getting to you.   Always remember that it’s not always your problem to solve their issues but to know that when you go home it’s not your problem anymore.   This can help with dealing with those negative people.
  • Find the Good — Sometimes the easiest way to disarm a negative comment is to find the good in comment.  Instead of the glass is half empty, turn it around and say the glass is half full.   Letting them see there is a different way in seeing it can help them to see that there is more than just the negative in life.
  • Be positive — This one is my most interesting, because it does help me out in my job.  I am always trying to find the good and positive in people and trying not not assume.  I do however will tell how the person is making me feel and rightly tried to even work with person if it has to come with it but I think we should all know that we have something to contribute to any situations we are trying to do.

These are just a few ways I found to fight negativity in customers and employees, this however is just how I deal with them.   I’d love to hear how you do it and what helps you to deal with them?  Do you do something different or do you make rules that help you to stop the negativity?  Not all people are the same and that can be difficult to know how to handle them but at least I find myself in a better position when I am positive at my job.