Apple get scammed out of 9,000 Ipods

This is an unusual report, Apple return policy seems to be flawed.


Apple replaces faulty iPods automatically once the serial number of the device has been given. If the customer does not return the faulty device then the company charges their credit card for the replacement cost.


It seems even Apple didn’t even notice the high amount of returns from a single user.  It just proves that there are more and more.  Some things Apple will like do is change the return policy and come up with more stricter return policies.  Although if this doesn’t show how scammers are trying to make money because of the recession.  Apple has a long road ahead of it to be security minded.

Pirated iWork’09 — Shows users they’ll not smart!!

Pirated Version of iLife 2009 for Macintosh users are getting hit hard by a Virus.  These users seem to think they are immune to viruses or trojans, and install software without second thoughts.  Now I know this isn’t funny to some but at least 20,000 have been macintosh computers have been infected by this little OSX.Trojan.iServices.A.  Now did Apple help this out by making people think the OSX was immune to Viruses?  Some reports are saying this little Trojan is hard to get rid off.  Intego puts out a security Alert for this little Trojan.  Microsoft should jump on this like a hot knife through butter with there ad campaigns.  I would be laughing all the way to the mall.  No longer are Macintosh’s  safe from viruses, Trojans, or Spyware.

So you think you have the Trojan? I do not know how to get it off the system because I am a PC user, but I just had to comment on this and make sure people knew what was happening in the world of malware.   I’d suggest checking out my Malware Resource page and maybe there you’d find something that will work for you in removing this trojan.  Although it cost 79$, Mac users need to start using more common sense with their computers and not download software from untrusted sites. Security should be brought to the forefront when it comes to Apple.

Apple’s Not immune after all

In a recent post from the San Internet Storm Center:


[ad#ad2-right]Apple has said they will not say yes or no to this report and that they will be investigating this fully. I’ve been saying Apple needs to get it’s head out of the sand. According to Apple these effect both Mac’s and Microsoft so they are a software related vulnerability. Soon or later someone will want to create a botnet and infect Macintosh’s with virus or even a worm just to show apple that they could. In a recent article from PcWorld, They talk about a Trojan called OSX.RSPlug.D. This will just increase the fact that they are going to start targeting a OSX because of the lack security. Apple, Needs to get it together and start patching just as much as Microsoft.

In Any case It is time to update the software and maybe think about installing anti-virus software also.  Although the Mpeg-2 Playback Component vulnerability is for Windows Vista, XP SP2 and SP3.  You can see where a hacker would use that for a windows system very easily.   So you must be careful what you click on and remember that your no longer safe.  You know how they will want to test out the waters for OSX just because they could so this year I predict Apple will start having even more Malware and Viruses than ever before.

Does Apple’s Steve Jobs Have HIV?

After a sudden announcement that he was taking a leave of absence from Apple due to all the controversy of his health?  We must ask our selves why?   I came across a website with a picture of Steve Jobs results about having HIV.   I must ask Is this likely?

With any operation, There is a chance of?

As you know when you have an operation you have a chance of dieing, of blood transfusion, of complication from the surgery, or a multitude of possible outcomes.  We don’t know happen during surgery for Pancreatic Cancer and he probably had blood transfusion also.  So what did happen during the surgery?  That is a very good question.

We know he wrote a letter to all the employees of Apple:
team ,

I am sure all of you saw my letter last week sharing something very personal with the Apple community. Unfortunately, the curiosity over my personal health continues to be a distraction not only for me and my family, but everyone else at Apple as well. In addition, during the past week I have learned that my health-related issues are more complex than I originally thought.

In order to take myself out of the limelight and focus on my health, and to allow everyone at Apple to focus on delivering extraordinary products, I have decided to take a medical leave of absence until the end of June.

I have asked Tim Cook to be responsible for Apple’s day to day operations, and I know he and the rest of the executive management team will do a great job. As CEO, I plan to remain involved in major strategic decisions while I am out. Our board of directors fully supports this plan.

I look forward to seeing all of you this summer.

That comes from Apple web site Wednesday and I have some questions to ask?

He says “He learned that my health-related issues are more complex than originally thought.”   So I have to wonder if he just learned that he has HIV?  This is what will have to be addressed sooner or later.   Anyone want to ask the question to Steve Jobs?  I’ll let you decide if it is true or not but it does bring up some very interesting questions, like will he return in June or will he Retire?  I just have all these questions.


I came across this site claiming it has been circulating in emails about this HIV status.  They also claim this is false, I do not know if it is true or false.   I don’t think Steve is being totally honest with the Apple community and would like him to be truthful to everyone.   I think the only way Steve is going to stop this is to release his records to the public.   I don’t know if he actually has  HIV.  I don’t have any good contacts to tell me one way or the other but I do know that anything is possible in this day and time.

I don’t know if this is fake but Only time will tell. If you want to comment please go ahead and discuss this!!

Xbox Zune? or A Zune Phone?

Could Microsoft be planning to talk about the Zune.   Some blogs are talking about how this will be talked about in next month at CES.  According to some posts and I’ll quote:

The Tech Trader Daily column earlier this week on Barron’s reports that Global Equities Research analyst Trip Chowdhry predicts Microsoft will reveal a Zune phone next month at CES. Chowdry expects that much like Apple’s iPhone the device will combine music player capabilities with, he says, “some motion enhancement features.”

[Via 1UP]

Although this is a theory, and I can see this happening due to the fact that Microsoft has always like to tie together there products.    So what makes this even more tangible is the fact that Microsoft hinted about this in the past:


Dated Dec 20, 2006

Xbox European boss Chris Lewis has admitted for the first time that Microsoft is considering games content for the recently released portable multimedia player Zune.

[via Gamasutra]

As you can see Microsoft did hint this and probably will be fact sooner or later.   Some sources are claiming they have this already in the works but it’s still a rumor.   I’ll let you decide for yourself.