Pirated Version of iLife 2009 for Macintosh users are getting hit hard by a Virus. These users seem to think they are immune to viruses or trojans, and install software without second thoughts. Now I know this isn’t funny to some but at least 20,000 have been macintosh computers have been infected by this little OSX.Trojan.iServices.A. Now did Apple help this out by making people think the OSX was immune to Viruses? Some reports are saying this little Trojan is hard to get rid off. Intego puts out a security Alert for this little Trojan. Microsoft should jump on this like a hot knife through butter with there ad campaigns. I would be laughing all the way to the mall. No longer are Macintosh’s safe from viruses, Trojans, or Spyware.
So you think you have the Trojan? I do not know how to get it off the system because I am a PC user, but I just had to comment on this and make sure people knew what was happening in the world of malware.  I’d suggest checking out my Malware Resource page and maybe there you’d find something that will work for you in removing this trojan. Although it cost 79$, Mac users need to start using more common sense with their computers and not download software from untrusted sites. Security should be brought to the forefront when it comes to Apple.