Blogging for Fun
I love to teach. I am not sure if that is related to blogging but I have found the last few weeks while at school, I think that is where blogging has been my way to teach in my own way. I am currently blogging in my english comp classes. I don’t know why but I think my creative juices are better when I am allow myself to write this really informative and great essays for my classmates. That’s one thing that I’ve recently started to do in my college board. They have this board where you can discuss anything and everything you want. I’ve been blogging/discussing the tips and tricks to almost everything under the sun from writing a good essay outline to the fundamentals of writing an essay.
My Blog
Lately as you can tell, I’ve dragged over my essays and such to this blog because I wanted to share with you what I’ve learned or talked about. I really do love to share my knowledge and maybe show people that they can do the things like I am doing. You just have to step out of your comfort zone. I love to write and it just seems to be getting better and better with every time I blog. Lately I’ve seen how my blog has become more useful for others and even me. I’ve wrote some really good information about the IATA Travel Pass. There have been post in that are quite long but I think are really needed in the way they are using the app. I started putting what I wrote in my academic area onto my blog to see what people think. I started this almost 2 months ago, kept adding more and more each day every other day.
Education is Good
Not even me expected to love the academic of college life. I must say this has been a real pleasure to blog about this stuff and see what types of responses I get. I am sure I’ve lost people or I have gained people. I don’t know who is reading my blog or even saying much at all. I think that’s where it can be hard as a blogger to see the impact of your blog on your readers. It can be very difficult to know if people are coming back or if they are just searching for one thing and leaving. I am really curious as to know what people think or are they coming back to my blog.
Comments welcomed
I am curious to hear what people think about me posting my essays or my discussion on my blog. I have even more discussions I can share with you and others if people are really curious to see what teachers are trying to teach in this day and age. Why not leave a comment and tell me what you think? Do you like it or hate it? Do you want more or want more meat? As a writer I want to know what my readers are thinking and also what they want more of. So please leave a comment and tell me what you think.