Why fundamentally most college classes require essays

Essay Writing...


Basic Understanding

Essays help improve your communication skills. I’ve been talking about finding your inner voice and even a great tip to help you create an awesome essay outline.  Even then, you’ll still probably wondering in the back of your mind why do we have to write so many essays in each class.   The first and foremost reason is a simple one, it teaches every single person how to communicate and write a report that you might when you get hired by a company.   Most of the times essays are just reports that we have to do in jobs.   I know that sounds strange but when you get hired on to a job, you will most likely be using what you’ve learned in essays to communicate with peers and others through email and other electronic means.    You better know how to communicate with them and be able to relate to what they may need from you to accomplish their or your job in the days or weeks or even months down the road.


Research is key to a good essay.   I can’t emphasize the any more than this, just by saying research, analyze, and write.   When you are researching for an essay, you are developing that skill that will allow you to find the information you might need to help you with your jobs in the future.   This skill is essential because it helps build problem solving and creates even more self reliance.   We will need to be self reliant in our jobs because employers will say often times tell you to do this or that and not explain how to do it.   Employers will often just walk away expecting you to do what they have said and rarely will they want to be inundated by questions from employees about how to do it.   Getting this skill down can help you when you get a job because employers will be more reassured that they don’t have to watch you.  This is why learning how to research will give help you in when you get that job you are trying to get.

Self confidence

Essays help you build your self confidence and even your self esteem.   It will show that you know what you are doing and how to do it.   Let’s be truthful, most students out in colleges are new to the whole educational structures of college life and feel out of place.   This is quite simply normal, for people who haven’t been for a while to feel and I find that writing a really good essay paper and getting some excellent feedback from the professor or teacher really helps me to understand just how well I am doing.   When you find that your essays are doing well, you will also see that your grades will do well.   Even I have struggled with writing the best essay possible when I first started this process and now I am getting a little bit better each time I write an essay, I am understanding just what the teacher is looking.   I think essays bring us more understanding of what it is like to write and become even better in the job market.   If you haven’t started, now is a good time to start and try to write an essay or two that you are proud of.   I know we can’t all do the same effort or maybe even understanding that we’re all different but it is the first step in creating that one essay that you want to share with your classmates.

Do you have any tips or tricks to help you create the best possible essay?  Have you had any problems in creating essays in the past and How did you solve it?  Have you tried to do your own essay?

Brainstorming and Blogging!

Image by ultrakml via Flickr

There’s a storm in that brain!

Whenever I want to write a post, I often am caught pondering what to write about and what my readers may or may not want to read about. I know sometimes it can be hard to sit down and write that blog post, but you never really know how well it will be received until it is posted. That is the one that will always be unique to each and every blog. I’ve always had a problem with managing my time but that might change also. I’ve started to day dream and also brain storm about what some good posts you might want to read about and I will discuss how I do it.

Sit back and Relax!

Something that you may never of tried is to just relax. Nothing in the world is that big that you really can’t just sit back and relax for a few minutes to a few hours. That is where people will often times go wrong, they think if they aren’t doing anything that you will not get their work done whether it be personal or job related. So I am going to give you a few tips on how you can also relax and maybe let those creative juices flow:

  • Take a Soothing bath and just sit there.
  • Listen to your favorite music in bed
  • Take a long walk in the woods
  • Being exhausted doesn’t help so Get some Sleep.
There are many reasons why you want to brainstorm. You however have to be well rested and relax to be able to do it just right. That is what encourages you to brainstorm and get as many ideas as possible.

Writing for writing sake, is that doable?

Photo by: StockSnap on Pixabay

Blogging for Fun

I love to teach. I am not sure if that is related to blogging but I have found the last few weeks while at school, I think that is where blogging has been my way to teach in my own way.   I am currently blogging in my english comp classes.   I don’t know why but I think my creative juices are better when I am allow myself to write this really informative and great essays for my classmates.   That’s one thing that I’ve recently started to do in my college board.   They have this board where you can discuss anything and everything you want.   I’ve been blogging/discussing the tips and tricks to almost everything under the sun from writing a good essay outline to the fundamentals of writing an essay.

My Blog

Lately as you can tell, I’ve dragged over my essays and such to this blog because I wanted to share with you what I’ve learned or talked about.   I really do love to share my knowledge and maybe show people that they can do the things like I am doing.   You just have to step out of your comfort zone.   I love to write and it just seems to be getting better and better with every time I blog.  Lately I’ve seen how my blog has become more useful for others and even me.   I’ve wrote some really good information about the IATA Travel Pass.  There have been post in that are quite long but I think are really needed in the way they are using the app.   I started putting what I wrote in my academic area onto my blog to see what people think.  I started this almost 2 months ago, kept adding more and more each day every other day.

Education is Good

Not even me expected to love the academic of college life.   I must say this has been a real pleasure to blog about this stuff and see what types of responses I get.   I am sure I’ve lost people or I have gained people.   I don’t know who is reading my blog or even saying much at all.   I think that’s where it can be hard as a blogger to see the impact of your blog on your readers.   It can be very difficult to know if people are coming back or if they are just searching for one thing and leaving.  I am really curious as to know what people think or are they coming back to my blog.

Comments welcomed

I am curious to hear what people think about me posting my essays or my discussion on my blog.   I have even more discussions I can share with you and others if people are really curious to see what teachers are trying to teach in this day and age.   Why not leave a comment and tell me what you think?  Do you like it or hate it?  Do you want more or want more meat?   As a writer I want to know what my readers are thinking and also what they want more of.   So please leave a comment and tell me what you think.