Some Good Audible Books that I’ve Been listening to recently

Photo By: Thomas Budach on Pixabay

*affiliate links :  all links in this page are affiliate links to Audible or to Amazon to allow you to easily find the books that I recommend on here.   I get a small commision for each time you buy a book when you click on my links.  Thank you for supporting my website.*

I love Science Fiction

If you know me, I just love a good science fiction books to read or even listen to while I do other things in my life.  I figured it would be nice to share what I’ve been listening to on Audible and I love to listen to these books as I am doing many things in my day to day routines.   I thought it would share with you my love of the books that I have listened to and still listen to.

Expeditionary Force — I enjoy this series very much.  Craig Alanson does a really good job with this series.    I love how Skippy and Joe Bishop are working really well with each other.  The chemistry between Joe and Skippy is very funny and other times very serious.   Either way, you’ll be laughing when they interact with each other most of the time.  You can even buy some of the Merchandise from Craig Alanson and be part of the “Merry Band of Pirates“.   I suggest starting off with Columbus Day and working your way through the series one by one.   You’ll start to love this book as much as I do.  I almost forgot R.C. Bray does a really good job at voicing all the characters on Audible.

UES Aurora CV01 by Ryk Brown

Frontiers Saga – Another good series to listen on Audible or if you like to read it. Either way it’s very captivating and keeps you wanting to come back for more. Ryk Brown does an excellent job at making sure the crew doesn’t do something that is not in their nature. You basically have to listen to the first part of the episodes and just work your way through the whole series.   I’ve heard they have 5 parts already lined up.   So we are only on part 2 of the 5 parts series.  I am sure there will be more in the coming years.  See all the Parts of the series at Ryk Brown’s Site.

Old Man’s War – This series is a short but nice series to go back to from time to time.   I love how John Scalzi does this series and I kind of wished it would continue but there are a limited amount of books to this series and I must say the Audible book is really good to listen because all the voice narrators do a really good job at keeping you coming back for more books.  There is a rumor that Netflix has grabbed the rights to make this a film.   I am curious to see this actually happen but the book is still great to go back from time to listen over and over again.   I love how John Scalzi developed the characters and made them more real to me each and every time.

Ender’s Game —  This one I got interested in after seeing the movie that came out in 2013.   After watching the movie, and liking what I saw, I went back and started listening to them and others on Audible.   I started with the first book that I got done watching on the big screen.   The movie and book are always going to be a little bit different but I loved how Orson Scott Card developed all the characters and progressed them in the series.   It is another short series but still a series that I keep going back to from time to time.

Star Fire Book 1 from M. R. Forbes

Stars End — Another good series that seems to just started off.   You won’t find much in ways of books to read or listen to right now but it seems to be developing very fast the last few months since the pandemic has gotten more people staying home.   I can only guess M. R. Forbes was bored and just kept writing about this book and we should see a good series in the coming months.   I must say the first part of the series was quite dry but if you get past that, the series starts to get better over time.

Planet Side —  I must say that Michael Mammay does a good job at keeping the characters real and making me come back for the 3 books of this series.   I am sure there are more on the way but for right now it is nice to listen to these three books from time.   I love the story line and can’t help but listen as I am exercising outside or doing those thing that I love so much.

These are just a several books in my Audible library that I wanted to share with my readers and hopes they enjoy them too.  I do get a small commission for each and every time someone buys my recommends on Amazon and that helps me to keep this website going.   Thank you for supporting my website and if you have any good books I should listen to, please let me know in the comments below.   I’d love to get even more recommendations of books to listen to on Audible.

How I intend to make money with my blog!

Earning Money through Blogging!

When you hear that from someone what do you think? Is it just a full of hot air or do they actually have a plan?  In today’s society people are always wanting to make money online using such things as Adsense or Google Affiliate network.  

I’m sure you probably heard this before from other bloggers.   I know I was skeptical of anything like this before, but I also know in the past I did make some money.   The money wasn’t like 1,000 dollars a month but it was enough to help pay rent or something like that.   So I know it can be done but you just have to be ready to take it by the horns and run with it!

How I am going to make this happen?

When I first thought of this idea last month, I was not sure if I could.   After all I’ve got a full time job and obligations that I must do day by day.  I did some really long hard thinking and even planned some of this out and your the first that I am sharing this with.   

Connect with my Audience!

This isn’t going to be  the easiest because I sometimes don’t know what my loyal readers are thinking about my blog or what they have to say, so it will be a challenge to get them to open up and tell me just how I can improve my blogging skills and my blog to make my blog that much easier for them to read my posts.  

Giving Free stuff out!

This is something that sound counter intuitive but if you give your loyal readers something they seem to want to give back to you.  It is something that I’ve found to work really well in the past and I just had to stop that because of money and my situation at the time.  I’m right now waiting to find out what my readers are interested in, so I know what to give away.

Blogging more regularly!

This is where it will get tough for me because I will be not getting as much sleep at night.   I am going to start trying to blog every day for the next month at least and then see what happens after that.   So it might be stuff that you may or may not expect.   It just depends on my mood!  If you would like me to talk about something you can always contact me and tell me.  I will say I’ve already started this, if you haven’t noticed.  I started this the first of the year.   So I am hoping this keeps up until February 1st.

I really don’t know how well this will help me but I am looking forward to the future and the possiblilites which are endless.  It is a time game right now and I hope you sit and spend some time with me every day.

Paul Sylvester

Have you Tried Squarespace? [Affiliate Link]

5 Steps in Finding the right Affiliates!

So you want to make Money with your blog but don’t know how? I thought I would share with you what I’ve learned in the past few months to earn enough money to pay for the space and web address. I’ll go through each step talking about steps:

First you will need to explore all the great Affiliate programs like OpenX, TMIWireless, Adsense,  Converseon, and Commision Junction.   There is of course even more out on the Internet, but these are ones that I like and have given me some insight as to Commission and Affiliate marketing.  I have been using TMIWIRELESS and Converseon more and more.  I still have Adsense but you have to get a balance on Advertising and what people are wanting.

Find the right fit for you blog and talk about the products you like the most.  I like TmiWireless because you give out free phones and still get money in return and Converseon for recommending Cell Phones. You should figure out what does better, and always keep looking. There are more than a few out that will work for you better. If you know one that I should look into let me know.

[ad#ad2-right]Remind readers about the affiliate programs so others can find them and blog about them.  It can also help with people coming to your site because the will encourage other people to check out what you’ve written and your recommendations.  You should come up with ways to promote your affiliates and encourage users to click on them and buy stuff from them.   This has brought in money by having them searched and indexed by Google.  You should find a niche that you have very little competition in, that way you get most of the traffic in for your self.

Create a Sneeze page, although this sounds rude, it is really a page talking about having helpful topics around your products or have them for people to find even more information about your affiliates.  Just like I have a Malware Resource, and Cricket Resource, also Cricket Reviews.  These will make it much easier for people to find what they are looking for and make it more enjoyable for the reader.  It also encourages people to come back and stay a while.

Although this is overlooked it is sometimes necessary to remind your readers about affiliates and talk about a product in detail by asking them to comment on a articles and encourage them to link to you.  This will bring in even more people to look at your blog and your reviews to get your page views higher and get more people to click your affiliate links.

I’ve not followed these steps very well in the beginning of starting my blog but I have learned a lot since then.  I’ve also learned that you need to update your blog on a weekly or even daily to basis to keep readers to come back.  You should always keep searching for even better affiliates to make your blog better.  You can also start advertising your blog by yourself without the middle but that is of yet I’ve not done enough on.  I will in the future when I get more experience under my belt.  I hope this has helped you in some way.