New spam Campaign — Casino Anyone?

Looks like there is a new Campaign going on with regards to having VIP access.


So I go to the site:



I decide to have a little fun and download the file.  The Filename is “Smartdownload.exe“.  Now you shouldn’t install any software or programs from sites you don’t know about or have any idea of what changes are going to be made.  I use CWSandbox to better understand this file.  Here are a few thinks I’ve found:

  • This program connects to three different IP’s [Your broadband Modem,, and]
  • It also Changes your Autoexec.bat file.  (Not good)
  • Changes access flags on several different program (not good either)
  • It also tries to be Anonymous.  If you checks the logs out your self you will find it very interesting.
  • It looks like it connects to the servers every time you boot up!! (Not good either)

I don’t know what it is trying to do but everything I see about this file makes me think this is trying to avoid virus detection.  I ran Kasperky and Avast file check, it came up clean.   I think what happens is you download the virus after you install this software.  I wouldn’t download this or install it, even though it advertise you 800% free that has to be scam or just a flat lie to get you to install software.  Everything about this program doesn’t make me want to to install this software, although it doesn’t seem to be a virus.  It however does make me want to delete the file.  Remember to use[intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”] Anti-virus and Firewalls[/intlink], that is your first line of defense.

Are You and Your Friends Fine — Virus Spam

Logged into my Google Email and was checking my spam to see what I see and this one draws my attention:


I think I know where this is leading me but I click the link and this website with the Reuters logo pops up:


Now as you can tell this looks authentic but when I did go to this site, AVG detected some trojan.  It blocked it, but  the file that it is downloaded called “save.exe” and I have talked about [intlink id=”2991″ type=”post” target=”_blank”]flash player fake updates[/intlink].  I have seen other blogs talking about dirty bomb news report leads to malware.  I don’t know about you but if I wanted to update my flash player, I go to the source and not use any links.  It is wise not to download any programs or files and run them without properly checking them out for viruses and Trojans.  You should have a fiewall and anti-virus running at all times and that will help but it is your actions that help your prevent from getting viruses or Trojans.

Offline Affiliate advertising!

Affiliate advertising can be done in multitude of ways, from Google Searching to word of mouth on the Internet. If you have something you want to sell sometimes the best way to sell it is Word of Mouth, see Technibbles article about Word of Mouth.

I am very happy with the [intlink id=”3059″ type=”post”]A600 Cricket Modem[/intlink], and I have been taking it everywhere I go. I from time to time get asked what I have around my neck. I put the Modem on a lanyard and have been having people ask about it. This is a very good tactic to sell products online.  This is a great way for people to come to you and ask what that is?  I’ve had a lot of people in my area as I am fixing there computers or even walking around my local shopping areas to ask what is that I have on my neck.

That is where this card comes  into play:

Front and Back of CardAs you can see this is very useful, but I made it one card.  From is the price and where they can buy it and the other is my review on my website.  I use website to track who goes there.  They can track how many people go there.  I signed up for that part.


There is so many ways to advertise by having someone put a flyer on cards about this.  I was thinking this would be good in my area because I am getting pretty good speeds with my [intlink id=”3174″ type=”post”]A600 Modem[/intlink].  I have since though that my not be the best tactic but I will have these cards for people who want to ask what I have around my neck or when I take my laptop on the road and people ask about that little modem.

By wearing this modem, I am hoping people will ask questions online or check the reviews of the modem by searching for it.  Which will bring people to my site wanting to find out about this modem.  It might not get people to buy it right off but it will definitely cause people to want to know more about the modem.    I’ve also had people wanting to know more about this modem and so created these cards to better direct them to my site so they can find out even more and maybe even want to buy one.

Updater.exe can’t be found Troubleshooting

So you wroke up with this problem, of can’t find the program called updater.exe or it tries to access the internet.  Here are some things you should check out to make sure it isn’t a virus:

  • [ad#cricket-right-ez][intlink id=”1802″ type=”post”]Hijackthis[/intlink] —  This will help determine if a virus changed the program.   You would need to check to see where this so called Updater is by search for it.
  • [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]Firewall and Anti-virus Software[/intlink] —  You should check to see if you have the updates for that or if you don’t you should have them installed.
  • [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]Do an online scan[/intlink] — This might also reveal if there is a virus or not.

It is most likely a Windows function but you should be cautious when things like this happen and you should check to make sure it is what it says it is.  Some people from WOW have had this problem in the past.  So it could just be a program that didn’t update the right way or a Trojan or Virus.  You should use [intlink id=”2883″ type=”post”]Autopatcher[/intlink] to patch your system to  be sure it is up to date.  Remember if the system isn’t patched that gives the Virus people a chance to install malware into your system and you know you don’t want that.

Free Syncronization and Backup programs

So I talked about finding some free backup utilities on the Mike Tech Show Listener Roundtable Show # 234.

I said I would publish some good free ones programs to backup your system files and I think I have done it.  Here’s are some great ones that I recommend for anyone who doesn’t want to pay for a backup program:

Allway Sync —  Works with Windows Vista/XP.  It supports : Hard Drives, Removable Hard Drives, Network Drives, Amazon S3, FTP Server,, and WEBDAV Folder.  This program is also quite portable and can be used on more than one computer with the portable version.[ad#text-broadband2]

ViceVersaWindows 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista. Vice Verse FREE will compare files in two folders (source and target) and synchronize file differences.  There isn’t much else you can do with this but It does look to be good for small backups and older system.

Acebackups — is a powerful tool to create completely secure backups of your data. Store your data on any local storage device, on CD, DVD or on your remote FTP server!

The one I have been using that is the most useful for me is Allway Sync.  I have it set up to use my [intlink id=”3059″ type=”post”]A600 Cricket Modem w/the 4 Gig Mini SD card[/intlink] to back up my [intlink id=”2646″ type=”post”]Roboform[/intlink] Passwords.  I could buy the Roboform portable version and use this to keep backup’s on my hard drive.  Allway Sync also has a portable version for multiple computers.   I think this is the most versatile, for the needs of backup.  Something that I have done is backing up my important data to a portable Harddrive, Flash drive and backing up to a ftp server to make sure I don’t loose any data.  I have it set up to have redundancy.  You should always have more than one backup.

In the coming Miketechshow Listener Round Table Discussion, we will be talking about backing up and the need to back.  I encourage everyone to join on that discussion.  I would like to know what you do with how you back up and if you back up.  I’ll post the time and Date when I find out!!