Looks like there is a new Campaign going on with regards to having VIP access.
So I go to the site:
I decide to have a little fun and download the file. The Filename is “Smartdownload.exe“. Now you shouldn’t install any software or programs from sites you don’t know about or have any idea of what changes are going to be made. I use CWSandbox to better understand this file. Here are a few thinks I’ve found:
- This program connects to three different IP’s [Your broadband Modem,, and]
- It also Changes your Autoexec.bat file. (Not good)
- Changes access flags on several different program (not good either)
- It also tries to be Anonymous. If you checks the logs out your self you will find it very interesting.
- It looks like it connects to the servers every time you boot up!! (Not good either)
I don’t know what it is trying to do but everything I see about this file makes me think this is trying to avoid virus detection. I ran Kasperky and Avast file check, it came up clean.  I think what happens is you download the virus after you install this software. I wouldn’t download this or install it, even though it advertise you 800% free that has to be scam or just a flat lie to get you to install software. Everything about this program doesn’t make me want to to install this software, although it doesn’t seem to be a virus. It however does make me want to delete the file. Remember to use[intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”] Anti-virus and Firewalls[/intlink], that is your first line of defense.