Updater.exe can’t be found Troubleshooting

So you wroke up with this problem, of can’t find the program called updater.exe or it tries to access the internet.  Here are some things you should check out to make sure it isn’t a virus:

  • [ad#cricket-right-ez][intlink id=”1802″ type=”post”]Hijackthis[/intlink] —  This will help determine if a virus changed the program.   You would need to check to see where this so called Updater is by search for it.
  • [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]Firewall and Anti-virus Software[/intlink] —  You should check to see if you have the updates for that or if you don’t you should have them installed.
  • [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]Do an online scan[/intlink] — This might also reveal if there is a virus or not.

It is most likely a Windows function but you should be cautious when things like this happen and you should check to make sure it is what it says it is.  Some people from WOW have had this problem in the past.  So it could just be a program that didn’t update the right way or a Trojan or Virus.  You should use [intlink id=”2883″ type=”post”]Autopatcher[/intlink] to patch your system to  be sure it is up to date.  Remember if the system isn’t patched that gives the Virus people a chance to install malware into your system and you know you don’t want that.

WOW:Chamber of Secrets might have a Copyright issue on there Hands!!


At any rate, the quest is called Chamber of Secrets and asks you to investigate the Servant’s Quarters of Karazhan for a new NPC (possibly boss). [via Curse.com]

So I sit here thinking how interesting this could be!!!  WOW is having a quest called “Chamber of Secrets”.  Now I don’t know much but this might infringe on Harry Potter’s Book Chamber of Secrets?  Would someone like clarify me this point.  I’m going to keep my eye on this one!!!

Blizzard wants you to know that merger won’t affect their games

The recent news of the birth of Activision Blizzard, a merger between Activision and Vivendi Games, has sent a number of forum goers into a panic concerning the status of their beloved games from the two companies. Particularly on the World of Warcraft forums, many are concerned that Activision will litter their pristine fantasy world with in-game advertisements for Axe Body Spray and Red Bull.

Now I know people are worried I’ve got my own concerns over this I hope they don’t do anything like this for any of there games!! Go check out the full story at Joystiq.