Micrsoft TerraServer, What are they doing today?

Just found this great way to get an aerial view of Los Angeles, Although the photos are old photos they still give you a sense of the area.   For example this one:


Corpus Christi, Texas, United States 1/15/1995

Corpus Christi, Texas, United States 1/15/1995


As you can see you can get a good look around the US.   If you want to check out your local area or maybe you know you Latitude and Longitude of where you live.  You can also enter that too and see it in the past.  It at least brings back memories for me.  For example, the Twin Towers, they still have that photo. You could also look at the White House before 9/11 also. Go check out the Micrsoft Terraserver and go have some fun looking at old pictures.

White House is Open to a new Stimulus Check Yet again?

The Economy is still trying to rebound after being told that there is a recession coming our way.  Can they actually make the economy better by introducing even more money?  Did it help the last time around?  The 2008 Stimulus Check that they released doesn’t seem to have made a great amount of difference.  So why introduce even more money into a economy that will have to bottom out, sooner, or later.


You see having the economy bottom out, is actually good for it.   It clears away the dead and creates life, just like a forest fire it will create even more life in the future.

So what about this New Stimulus Check that the White house is thinking of doing?  Are we going to have to pay more in the future for this so called free money?   I am curious as to what people think about this?   Do you want another Stimulus check or should we let the economy fix itself?


According to the Swamp, White house open to new ‘booster shot’, in the article they talk about this boosting our economy but I don’t think so!!!  It will not boost it just make it even harder to bottom out and will most likely cause it to last even longer. Is it even going to make much of a difference, you decide.  I want to hear you opinions.