Living the Life of a Blogger 101

Having been blogging for the last few months and years. I’ve learned so much from blogger the platform. I thought I would talk about that in this post. To give those who want to use Googles Blogger platform to there fullest. It is inconsequential to the grand scheme of blogging. It is not enough to just blog it has to be some kind of meaning in it. You have to think of how best can I help people out. It is legal to use fair use. That is why congress has put it into congress.

Fair Use comes from the idea of using something that is ‘Copyrighted’ and use some portion of it to talk about or as a demonstration. Most people don’t understand that, you can use anything on the web as long as you don’t publish there material fully. I like to us hulu for example. I’ve embedded there videos on my site, and talked about Hulu from time. This last few weeks they had clues out on there site. I started trying to solve the clues they Published to better help figuring out there clues. Although they might consider there promotion as being copyrighted. I used there clues to publish what I considered was fair use. They couldn’t do much other than smile that some one started blogging about there clues weekly because once they published there clues. I had the right to try to figure the clues out. I actually loved doing it.


So why do we blog if we can have it protected?

In truthfulness, anything I publish will inevitable be published somewhere else on some one elses blog. Now they have the right to publish small clips of my stuff or even to link to my site. That comes from understanding my community and relationship with others. I have to let them do what they want with my blog post to an extent because I can’t make the readers mad by sending out the old fashioned “Cease and Desist” orders. That would make my readers mad. I know how important it is to make my readers becoming my FAN.

How do you make your readers a Fan?

I identify with my readers because I know how I once was a reader myself. I have certain blogs that I like to read from time to time. I’ve got my blogs I like to read and comment on and I hope you do too. It’s something that comes from years of reading and having a passion for telling people my point. I know people are uncomfortable making comments on blogs. They think the writer will not see or read it. Some also think the owner of the blog will delete the comment. That comes with understanding that we have to prune the comments because sometimes we have those annoying spam comments and others that will try to start a flame comment war. Those aren’t needed in blogs we either like it or make a comment how the writer could of made it better. I am constantly thinking about how I can make my published work better and having more content. This is how I do it, I think about what I like to talk about and I make it more real. I then make it more reader friendly so that, I get the readers involved and let them choice what they want to read. People are always going to be picky they will always want a choice that is always going to happen.


How do we get readers involved in a blog?

Little things can get readers to become involved in a blog. I remember a time on how I talked a little about Hulu the first time. I got a comment from the creator of Hulu to leave a comment. That was Awesome and Softened me to see just how many people read my blog and comment about my blog. I’ve learned during a regular blogging session, I need to keep commenting on the blogs because it makes people want to get involved in my blog and will greatly increase my blog community.

Can I start my own blog?

You can start a free blog just as I did. You would only need to sign up to Blogger and start blogging. Giving people the ability to start blogging is essential to making a difference in my writing ability because of the possible comments people will make on my blog. That is what I want to see more of is comments because people will always want to read the comments on a blog. Just like TechCrunch people love to go to that site to read or hear comments. I’ve done it, and I am sure others do to. That is a community and I like that type of community.


Hulu United States Only — FAQ

In a Comment on there Hulu Blog,

Umm, when exactly did Hulu decide to shut its doors to everyone outside of America? The site’s title is “Watch your Favorites. Anytime. For Free”. I’m sorry Hulu, this is a complete lie, as anyone viewing your site outside of the US is banned from viewing your videos. All the time. So that you know, I intend on writing a letter to Joss Whedon asking that he pull his Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog video from your network and redistribute it to a video site that isn’t run by people who embrace the philosophy “Defective By Design”. That way, the thousands of other people wanting to see this video, like me, don’t have to resort to downloading the thing via the piratebay.

Well, This is something I wanted to discuss for everyone who reads my blog why Hulu isn’t allowing anyone outside of America to see the videos.   It’s all have to do with there contracts they have with certain providers.

Let me explain it to you another way, Hulu is now being watch all over North America.  Hulu is obligated to make sure no one out side of the US can watch these movies because they have “NO RIGHTS” to share this with anyone out side of the US.  When Hulu makes deals with these major distributors, they sign a contract.  In the contract somewhere at sometime, they are explicitly forbidden to stream this material outside of the US.

Is there ways around this?

Having experience in the computer repair and understand of what is required for someone to get around this type of “Protection” is somewhat hard.  Here is the reason, when Hulu banned people from watching outside of the US they did so by banning a group of Internet Protocols.

Here are Three ways at which I know you can watch HULU programming.  Be advised that these are ways to get around the protection and by doing this, You hold me not responsible for any and all actions.  I talk about this because it would be unfair not to, I’ve got to have some responsibility to my readers.

  • USE A PROXY Server in the United States —  Now this one is the hardest because I don’t know of any.  I am not going to do your homework for you, but I will say there has to be several in the US.  Be Warned that using this will greatly reduce quality and speed.  You will sooner or later be found out and blocked, so use this one is at your own risk.
  • Ask Major Media Distributors to join HULU — Writing to them and asking them to join Hulu will increase the likely hood of them opening up the resources to let people view outside of HULU.  You see the other distributors have the rights to distribute outside of the US.  If you get them to come to Hulu, you will be giving them the power to allow certain content to be streamed outside of HULU.  If you want to contact the distributors and ask them to join Hulu, by all means go through the IMDB and look for the distributors you want on HULU and find out how to email them or Snail Mail them!!
  • USE an VPN to Access HULU — This one is like Proxy Servers but this one is most often used by people who are traveling outside of the US.  That’s right if your company has a VPN inside of the US you can watch shows.  This too could get your IP banned from Hulu, although I tell you this for those business men and women who are traveling and live in the United States and Military people too.  Has all the same flaws as Proxy, will slow you down, and quality will take a hit also!!

These are just a few of the ways you could stream information from HULU but use at your own risk.  If you have any other comments to add just go ahead and add them.  I want to hear what people think or what they want me to talk about.

Repair Tool of the Week: GPU-Z

GPU-Z is a small, stand alone utility designed to give you advanced information about the systems videocard. Not to be confused with CPU-Z, GPU-Z will display some of the following information: Hardware name, GPU clock, Driver version, GPU technology, Video card BIOS version, Subvendor, Bus Interface, Shaders, DirectX Support, Pixel/Texture Fillrate, Memory type, Bus width, Memory size, Bandwith, Default clock and more.

GPU-Z: Display advanced information about a video card

Download from MajorGeeks – 365kb

[Via Technibble]

Thought people would like to check our your Video card for even better details. Go check it out!!

One-Click Video Conversion in KDE Menus

Linux only: Convert your video files for DVDs, iPods or easily-playable formats from inside your file browser using a simple script. Users of Linux systems running on a KDE desktop just need to download the ffmpegmenu script and place it in the appropriate file browser folder, and a new “Video Encoding” menu will appear in your sidebar. Detailed instructions and download links are at the link below. The ffmpegmenu script works in Linux only and requires a KDE environment, or at least the majority of the KDE tools installed in any desktop.

iBrick Latest: Free Unlock Now Available

Good news for those looking for a free solution to unlock an iPhone with the latest firmware version 1.1.1: help has arrived. The latest version of AnySIM now unlocks iPhone’s. More at CrunchGear here.

In the mean time though there are other practical uses for a bricked iPhone, as the video above demonstrates. Namaste to regular TechCrunch commenter Fake Steve Ballmer for the video.

Well at least they finally done it!!

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