If your have been having problems with Flash Players stoping after 2 seconds of playing. I have a few ideas to try to get rid of the problem. It used to happen all the time with Vista in the early days. Here’s what I did to occasionally get the flash player to work:
Cleaning out the Prefetch Directory! — Having seen this from time to time. If you have programs startup that might need to be refreshed this will refresh them so that they run like new. You occasionally can get programs that will load in a odd way and this will fix that also.
You want to be more anonymous? — Cleaning out your cache on your browser can sometimes fix the problem. It’s like anything else it can sometimes be corrupted.
Some Important programs to prevent yourself from having viruses and Malware!! — Having seen this with my own two eyes, if you have a viruses or malware on your system that too can cause problems with playback of flash media. So just double check making sure you don’t have any viruses.
Adobe Flash tips and Tricks! — Also having found this out. Adobe actually keeps the flash video on there servers cached or sometimes somewhat buffered to help with playback. Clean the cache out at the source sometimes fixes the problem also.
Now having used some of these tricks to get flash players to run has on occasion worked for some strange reason or another. Although I don’t know if this will fix the 2 second playing video problem I get the feeling it should since in theory it has everything to do with cache and corruptions of the files. If you can come up with some other tips or tricks to fix the problem let me know!!