Having been perusing my email inbox the last few days. I’ve noticed that Gmail hasn’t been catching all the spam. So I’ve deciding to write an How to fight spam the hard way.  Why write about something people know all about spam. It is the fact that we have come to be complacent and ignore the spam that comes from our inbox.
[ad]To think if we allow this spam to keep coming our way. So I’ve figured I show you how to fight back with spam. It won’t be an easy process but if you follow these few steps you too could get what you need done and make a wold difference with fighting spam. Some people will say it can’t be done. I’ve done it i n the past and I do it now. So let’s start:
SamSpade.org is the first part of this epic adventure. I say it’s the easiest part because it doesn’t take a lot of know how to find out the information you need. So let’s start with you get a spam message in your inbox and you want to report this spam to the proper people and make it harder for the spammers to get away with this.
You would want to look for any domains in the email message such as a (dot)gov, (dot)com, (dot)us, ETC and do a look up with SamSpade.org and find out who to email. It’s going to be one of the following:
- Admin@(domain)
- Postmaster@(domain)
- abuse@(domain)
There are always going to be more, but you get the picture. You then forward the message to either one or all of them and tell them in the email why you are emailing them. I usually say something with TOS(Terms of Service). That way you sound a little more forceful. If you want to cut down on spam. I dare you to report one peace of spam a day. I can pretty much bet. You will drop in spam in under a week. On an upcoming article I will discuss why you would report spam.