Wii-saber for budding Jedi Knights

Wii-saber for budding Jedi Knights

Since the Wii was released with waggle controls, everyone has been looking forward for a Star Wars title to appear on the horizon, where they will be able to wield the lightsaber just like how the Jedi Knights in the movies did. They are now able to relive those experiences with a Wii Light Sword – sure, it isn’t exactly a lightsaber per se, but at this point in time I think we fanboys would take anything we can get our hands on. All you need to do is have a Wii and a Wiimote in hand – something that might be a little hard to do considering the scarcity of Nintendo’s console. This add-on gaming peripheral will set you back by £15, or you could always save your money and use your imagination instead.

Wouldn’t that be fun to have around the house. I can just see people saying “I broke my HDTV with a Wii Light Sword!” Oh boy would that be funny!!

Video: The Rocket-Powered X-Wing’s Flight…and Death

You might have seen the liftoff, but here’s a video of the day we spent in the desert, awaiting the first (and explosively final) launch of the 1/2 scaled rocket-powered X-Wing fighter. I cried a little when it went down. (Turn up the volume, there’s some good dialog drowned out by the din of burning balsa hitting the sand.) Reporting and video by James Lee. I just added more on the event by James:

I was hoping someone would put that up. Fantastic. Go check out the video!!

X-Wing Rocket Launches, Disintegrates

An anonymous reader writes “Remember the 21-foot X-Wing with four rocket engines? It launched yesterday from Plaster City and here’s the video showing what many thought inevitable: total destruction in mid-air. From the post: “I can only say two things. The first is: absolutely amazing. And the second: poor Porkins.” “

To there wasn’t any photos. I’d love to see it myself.

Rocket-Powered 21-Foot Long X-Wing Model Actually Flies (Updated: New Pics Show It Even Has Built-in R2-D2)

Andy Woerner and his crazy rocketeer friends have built a 21-foot long X-Wing model that can actually fly. Yes, this is a real X-Wing powered by four solid-fuel rocket engines complete with radio-controlled moving wings. It blasts off in California next week, and we talked with Andy about the project, and how they expect it will do. All the details and a full construction gallery after the jump.

Go see the picks this is so nice, You can see R2D2 as the co-pilot! I give them a salute for doing a really good job on making it.