I think those are quite ingenious and cute!! 🙂 Don’t you?
Category: R2-D2
X-Wing Rocket Launches, Disintegrates
An anonymous reader writes “Remember the 21-foot X-Wing with four rocket engines? It launched yesterday from Plaster City and here’s the video showing what many thought inevitable: total destruction in mid-air. From the post: “I can only say two things. The first is: absolutely amazing. And the second: poor Porkins.” “
To there wasn’t any photos. I’d love to see it myself.
Rocket-Powered 21-Foot Long X-Wing Model Actually Flies (Updated: New Pics Show It Even Has Built-in R2-D2)
Andy Woerner and his crazy rocketeer friends have built a 21-foot long X-Wing model that can actually fly. Yes, this is a real X-Wing powered by four solid-fuel rocket engines complete with radio-controlled moving wings. It blasts off in California next week, and we talked with Andy about the project, and how they expect it will do. All the details and a full construction gallery after the jump.
Go see the picks this is so nice, You can see R2D2 as the co-pilot! I give them a salute for doing a really good job on making it.