Wii-saber for budding Jedi Knights

Wii-saber for budding Jedi Knights

Since the Wii was released with waggle controls, everyone has been looking forward for a Star Wars title to appear on the horizon, where they will be able to wield the lightsaber just like how the Jedi Knights in the movies did. They are now able to relive those experiences with a Wii Light Sword – sure, it isn’t exactly a lightsaber per se, but at this point in time I think we fanboys would take anything we can get our hands on. All you need to do is have a Wii and a Wiimote in hand – something that might be a little hard to do considering the scarcity of Nintendo’s console. This add-on gaming peripheral will set you back by £15, or you could always save your money and use your imagination instead.

Wouldn’t that be fun to have around the house. I can just see people saying “I broke my HDTV with a Wii Light Sword!” Oh boy would that be funny!!