Microsoft Knows about the SQL Bug — KB961040

Microsoft confirmed some information about the this little SQl bug and issued a Statement in an Security Advisory 961040 and in it Microsoft said:

Microsoft is investigating new public reports of a vulnerability that could allow remote code execution on systems with supported editions of Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000), Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (WMSDE), and Windows Internal Database (WYukon). Systems with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 4, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3, and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 are not affected by this issue.

[via Microsoft Technet]

[ad#ad2-left-1]One researcher, a Bernhard Mueller, is claiming that Microsoft has the patch available and ready to patch this bug.  According to him Microsoft this patch is done and isn’t scheduled to be release yet.  I don’t know when they will patch this but if Techworld is right it will be an out of cycle patch.   I am sure that if Microsoft does release it in cycle then it will be this coming patch cycle.  January 13, 2009 is the next cycle of patches for Microsoft and should be available at 10pm PST time. If Microsoft doesn’t release the patch soon they will undoubtedly wait till Patch Tuesday.  In my previous article I talked about this to a point the workaround so if you are using an SQL server you need to do this work around.

Upcoming CES 2009 — Juicy Stories

So we are getting close to CES or Computer Electronics Show to some.  This is going to be a very interesting year, due to the depressing economy.   So I wanted to talk about some of the upcoming announcements at CES so people could get ready for the upcoming 2009 Show:

  • Skype will announce free US and Canada calling to cellular numbers or land lines.  This will undoubtedly be an Ad supported service and have a limited amount of minutes per call.  This will be good for people on the road who need to make a quick call here and there without having to pay for anything.  They have given some of the tidbits out already but I can’t wait to find out what else they will announce at CES.
  • [ad#cricket-1-1]Windows 7 Beta — People seem to think they will release the beta the same day they announce just like they did at the PDC(Professional Developers Conference) and also give it out to people at CES.  Although that might work to a point it will be very hard for people to get in the BETA.  There is a list brewing of people wanting to get onto the beta in the Microsoft Connection Community Site.  I can’t wait for next month but I am sure it is going to be nice.
  • Windows Live Beta — Here is another Microsoft product that might also be combined with Windows 7, it is a possibility and might be intergrated into Windows 7 for some but I am not sure what will happen all to much.  I am sure they will announce something about this at CES and only time will tell.
  • IE 8 Beta — Although this isn’t something unexpected.  It however will be interesting to see how they throw this one out to testers because they will undoubtedly test it on Windows 7 and they will be sending these out in the same time.   I think they will be also intergrating this into Windows 7 Beta release as if it will be on the new system.  I do not know what they are going to do but I am sure something will happen.

[ad#ad2-left]This is just a small bit of possible out comes, and there is still more to come.  I wanted to point out that these are not confirmed and should be considered as a rumor nothing more nothing less.  Don’t put to much money on what will happen to much.  We do know that the Betas are probably going to come out due to Microsoft announcing these to be out by the first of year.   Only time will tell for what will happen in the coming year though.  I can’t wait to find out what happens.

Microsoft released KB960714 to fix THE IE Problem


[ad#ad2-right]This is the update to fix the IE Vulnerability and if you have any questions please make sure to check my other post about this little update.   This was sent out today and should be patch ASAP, on all systems.  If you want to patch the easy way, I suggest downloading Clone to Autopatcher.  This seems to help make an ISO file on a DVD so you don’t have to update a system the old way.

Microsoft to Release KB961051 on the Dec 17, 2008

According to McAfee and I will quote:

December 16, 2008: Microsoft has announced an out-of-cycle patch release for a critical, remote-code-execution, vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Explorer (CVE-2008-4844). The patch, to be released on December 17, will address the vulnerability across multiple versions on Internet Explorer running on supported Windows platforms.

[via McAfee Threat Center]

[ad#ad2-right]From what I am understanding it will be KB961051 and will be a critical update on all Windows platforms.  Microsoft issued a security advisory for this on there Technet support website.   This will probably be put online sometime tomorrow and will be available to download after 10am PST although this is just a rumor because when I go to that article they talk about the work around and how to fix it temporary until they release the patch.  This is releated to the IE Vulnerability that is in the wild and has been causing havok on the internet.

IE vulnerability in the Wild

Well this was bound to happen, hackers found this vulnerability and is using it for their own purposes.  [ad#ad2-right]It seems they put a virus on your system.  Microsoft has issued an Recommendation and to check out Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-055.

“What we’ve seen from the exploit so far is it stealing game passwords, but it’s inevitable that it will be adapted by criminals,” he said. “It’s just a question of modifying the payload the trojan installs.”

Said Mr Ferguson: “If users can find an alternative browser, then that’s good mitigation against the threat.”

[Via BBC News]

[ad#ad2-left]I personally like to recommend a program that will do a better job at security and that is Firefox,  I also suggest people use the Thunderbird and not Microsoft mail program.  This will greatly reduce your likely hood of getting a virus or Trojan.   Most of the time hackers like to find new ways to infection to get into your system.  If you want to preven having a virus in the future, I’d recommend going to my Malware Resource and check out a good firewall and anti-virus.   This will prevent you from getting some of the viruses and other types of malware.