I would like to say I know where this is going and why! 😉 I know people don’t like Vista. So what else are we going to see I actually think Vista is going down the tubes. I think kids these days are wanting a stable and efficient OS so they are picking MacBooks and not Dells, Gateway, and All the other brands. I am hopeful something comes out of this before people get really annoyed with Microsoft.
All Posts by Paul
Yahoo! (YHOO) displaces Google (GOOG) with DivX deal
Looks like Yahoo, Inc. (NASDAQ: YHOO) has put yet another feather in its cap, as the internet company will have its web browser toolbar distributed along with video player software from company DivX Inc. as of this week. DivX makes a very popular video compression codec technology that is used in millions of downloadable videos.
This could get very interesting, go check out the rest of the article and find out how interesting. 🙂
ATT threatens to disconnect subscribers who criticize the company
AT&T has rolled out new Terms of Service for its DSL service that leave plenty of room for interpretation. From our reading of it, in concert with several others, what we see is a ToS that attempts to give AT&T the right to disconnect its own customers who criticize the company on blogs or in other online settings.
I love this Arstechnica talking about how AT&T will loose customers. I think it is a good thing if they do this they will loose everything. I think the more they do this the more they will get people to go to cable or dsl, or even Satellite TV. keep up the good work AT&T.
Warning: Big advertisers hate forums
As soon as your forum is generating huge amounts of content and traffic every single day, advertising networks will be desperate for your business, right? Sorry, it doesn’t work that way – many advertisers hate your website, regardless of how good it really is.
I kind of figured that. 🙂 They do not like UGC at all, they just don’t know what they are missing!!
Joost Launches: Video Interview With Mike Volpi
Joost, the impeccably pedigreed, funded, and hyped Internet TV platform is releasing its software to the general public on Monday. For those of you beta testers (like us) who’ve griped about the reliability and usability of the application, the company promises a significantly upgraded client, including a new navigation system, search, and an open API for third-party widgets. It is seeding the open API with widgets of its own, including synchronized watching and video markup tools.
Does this mean Joost is getting good!!