What Steve Jobs talked about on the Keynote!

As you can see there is something in the air. That’s the Macbook Air. It’s really small, Might be interesting to play around with it. Any thoughts people?

This is the Time Capsule, a Network Attached Storage Device. It will come with 500Gb to 1 Terabyte Hard drive. It’s also going to be able to be wireless. 802.11 B, G, And the New N series.

Apple talks about Renting Movies instead of buying them straight off. The Prices for movies are 2.99$ (old movies), 3.99$ (New movies) and 4.99$ (HD Movies). Some of the rules are “You can keep the movie on your system for 30 days, once you start viewing the moving you have 1 day to watch the movie.”

There are some other things Steve Jobs talked about these were the picks that I thought were the most important. I really think Steve did a good job keeping a lid on some of this news and can’t wait to see the movies on itunes. That’s the next place I’m going!! Enjoy

PC World’s Declaration of Vista Fastest on a Macbook Pro Turned into Mac Vs. PC Ad


I’m sure the editors at PC World didn’t think their declaration that the fastest Vista notebook ever was a Macbook Pro would be immortalized in a Mac vs. PC Ad. Of course, PC benchmarks go stale fast. I wonder what’s going to be announced at Macworld 08. [Apple via TUAW]

Haha, I love those commericals with PC VS Mac. Thought people would get a laugh out of the new ads they have out.

Manage Your Power Consumption with Lights Out

Mac OS X only: Shareware application Lights Out is your Mac’s default Energy Saver tool on steroids, allowing users to set very specific energy saving settings. From setting the time before your monitor dims to automatic logout or shutdown to hot corners for quick sleeping, this simple application takes control of nearly every energy-related aspect of your Mac. Lights Out is free to try, costs $8.99 for a license. We normally steer clear of shareware apps around here when we can, but in the spirit of living greener, Lights Out looks like a great software. If you know of a free alternative, let’s hear it in the comments.

This is for the Mac people, I do not know how well this does work but I thought I’d share this little program. Mac OS only!!

All Macs all the Time

I would like to say I know where this is going and why! 😉 I know people don’t like Vista. So what else are we going to see I actually think Vista is going down the tubes. I think kids these days are wanting a stable and efficient OS so they are picking MacBooks and not Dells, Gateway, and All the other brands. I am hopeful something comes out of this before people get really annoyed with Microsoft.