Heavy Leopard Pre-orders Caused by Vista

Some solution providers have reported that the pre-orders for Apple’s Leopard are more than double for the same time prior to Tiger’s release. They cite Leopard’s new features and customer dissatisfaction with Vista as key drivers, according to ChannelWeb on Thursday.

“We’ve probably doubled the backorders of Leopard, compared to what we did with Tiger,” said Patrick Brown, CEO of Brown Computer Solutions, in Brattleboro, Vermont, a solution provider and Apple specialist. “With the Intel Macs, Apple has significantly increased the installed base. We do expect a very successful launch.”

With Vista having so many flaws does that mean Apple will be the next Microsoft?

SanDisk Sansa TakeTV 8GB video player leaked

Vanilla USB flash drives are so passé, so for those who want a little more flavor more from their generic sticks of memory, might we point you to the SanDisk Sansa TakeTV, apparently freshly leaked by way of buy.com? (It also briefly appeared on PC Mag’s site and SanDisk’s forums among other sites.) Sure, the TakeTV an 8GB flash drive, but it’s also intended to plug into a USB dock with TV outs (and remote), which is capable of reading and decoding the DivX, XviD, and MPEG-4 video files up to 720 x 576 and 7Mbps for playback on your TV. All the old school simplicity of home sneakernet combined with the one-stop-shop convenience of a USB flash drive. Unfortunately buy.com won’t tell us when it’s out or how much it’ll cost, so no one gets to take home TakeTV just yet.

I wonder what the happens if you give a program to a friend is that legal?

‘Mythbusters’ test seeks to determine if cockroaches could survive a nuclear holocaust

After a nuclear holocaust, would cockroaches really be the last creatures standing?

That’s a question for the same people who’ve tested whether you can jump in a falling elevator to save yourself, whether throwing a toaster into a bathtub really will electrocute someone and whether dropping a penny from a skyscraper is lethal.

A team from the Discovery Channel’s Mythbusters is at the Hanford nuclear reservation this week to get to the bottom of the nuclear survival myth.

“It’s been on the original list of myths since day one,” said Kari Byron, one of the Mythbuster stars, who came to town with Grant Imahara and Tory Belleci.

I actually like the show so I thought others would also. It’s truly Myths being busted!! I know this is going to be an interesting show episode when it comes out.

The Complete Guide to Mac/Windows Interoperability

You’ve got a household full of PC’s and you’ve stopped yourself from getting a Mac because you don’t want to deal with incompatibility headaches. Eight years ago that would’ve been understandable, but today Mac OS and Windows can work together in harmony on the same home network, sharing files and printers, mounting one another’s drives and using the same equipment, like wireless routers and USB drives. If you’re considering a mixed Mac/PC home or office, here’s a primer on how the two systems inter-operate (and the few instances when they don’t.)

A really good article on how to make both the Mac and PC communicate with each other. I think the picture is quite nicely done!!