One-Click Stream Ripping with Screamer Radio

Windows only: Free internet radio application Screamer Radio is a streamlined audio ripping solution with a bonus in the form of a huge library of new stations to discover. Load up a Shoutcast, Ogg Vorbis, WMA or AAC stream, listen while Screamer sits in your taskbar and click once to record directly to MP3 or Ogg formats. Those who already have a favorite ripping solution, such as StationRipper, might still want to download Screamer just to grab a few new stations to try from its extensive preset list. Screamer Radio is a free download for Windows 98 and higher, and it looks like it can be run off a USB thumb drive as well. Thanks, Dan!

A good little program to get the audio off of a site!!

Fully Customizable Sidebar with SideSlide

Windows only: Like the convenience of the Vista sidebar but wish it offered more customization, or even just a hiding option? Free application SideSlide gives you program and web site launchers, RSS readers, notepads, reminders, pictures, clipping holders, and more in one skin-able bar that hides on the edges of your desktop. It’s the kind of tinker-friendly widget that shortcut lovers can easily get lost in—containers to launch multiple programs at once, feed combiners with group searching and updating and lots of keyboard navigation options, to name just a few hacks. Check out this quick start guide by SideSlide’s makers to get started. SideSlide is a free download for Windows XP, 2000 and Vista, and requires that Microsoft Core XML Services 6.0 be installed (a link is provided on the SideSlide link below, but Vista users should be set up already). Vista users who just want to get more out of their pre-installed sidebar can check out our roundup of useful sidebar gadgets.

Simple Flickr Uploading with Postr


Linux only: Applications like jUploadr are great for posting photos and editing photosets in the photo-sharing website Flickr, but its Java core can make it slow and wonky for some users. GNOME-based application Postr is a streamlined posting solution that features drag-and-drop file choosing, tag and description editing and, most of all, a clean, simple interface. Postr is a free download for Linux systems and available in many repositories. KDE-based Linux users can also check out Kflickr.

Star Trek Home Theater, Go Where No Man Has Left Before

This Star Trek TNG home theater is ubergeek in the absolute best way, which is probably why at CEDIA 2007 it was named the best theme theater installation. Featuring a quasi-faithful re-creation of the Enterprise NCC-1701D, motion activated “air-lock” doors and an alert button producing an alarm and flurry of red LED lighting are enough to keep us entertained even if, say, the theater were only 720p. While the owner wishes to remain anonymous and we lack specs on the complete setup, the piece de resistance has to be one of the largest Kaleidescape hard drive storage systems in the world, with eight servers holding 3,816 DVDs. We’d probably be too busy drinking at the bar full of scifi memorabilia to watch our choice of Hilary Duff films, our minds blown at Robby the Robot hanging out with members of the Federation. [electronichouse]

Wow, I want one of those!!

Wolfenstein:Enemy Territories and Vista saying it Stops responding.

For those of you who use Vista here are some easy steps to take to prevent Vista saying the program stops responding:

Re-install vista
Install all necessary windows programs. (FIREWALL, Anti-virus, and anything else that is security related!!)
Download Decrapifier
Download Enemy Territory
Run the setup program of Enemy territory as Admin by:
Right click on wolfet.exe and select run as administrator
install the program
download patch 2.60(not 2.60b)
Run the patch same way as wolfet.exe as ADMIN.
After that is patched.

Run the ET.exe as Admin (Right click) and your should be able to play for hours on end without having Vista saying it stopped responding. I’ve installed it and run it for a while without any problems. Try that out and let me know if it works for you!!