How Fake Antivirus writers try to fool you

I went looking around and saw this:


As you can see they try to make this site look like it is real. It also make the user at first glance become relaxed because of all PC Magazines and site stickers as I call them.   You also get to see a list of  latest virus alerts and threats, all of this is done to make you feel like this is a real Antivirus site.   They also have the box look like Windows Vista and Windows 7 look and feel to it.  Everything you see here makes you more relaxed and almost gets you to buy the software but wait, I want to know more about this company.   No way to call or who they are?  So I download the file call “Installer2.exe” and AVG pops up with:


Not even AVG had the chance to say or do anything about this before Microsoft throws up this warning about it being a “Trojandownloader:win32/fakerean.gen!c”, I have got to admit Microsoft has been doing a little better job of identifying some of the threats.  Sites that all have this type of theme to them are:


as you can see they have made a URL theme for all the domains.   But all of these are located at IP:


As you can tell this can be considered a campaign by some individual to try to get money from innocent people.   So your best bet is to not go there and if you have it:

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More Personal Antivirus Fake or Scareware Sites

As I am Looking through some sites I find out about:

As you know [intlink id=”3607″ type=”post”]Personal Antivirus is Scareware[/intlink] and is not a real [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]Antivirus Software[/intlink] like the ones I have on my website.  This tries to scare you into buying there fake software then does nothing to protect the user.

The Following Sites have been identified to be Associated with Personal Antivirus:


And All of these are ready to be used and probably will be used in the next coming weeks.  If you feel you have one of these scarewares on your computer I recommend downloading SUPERAntiSpyware and remove this this scareware from you system..


Remember these are online and you shouldn’t go these sites because of the possibility that they will redirect you to the a Trojan or Malware URL.  You best bet is to stay clear of them.


Hulu Days of Summer Clues July 20 to July 24 2009

Ok so Hulu Released the clues starting off for Monday:

And Here are some things that I know:

  • Monday July 20, 2009 —  Between Two Fires is one of the episodes in Stargate SG-1.   Yipee I can’t wait till monday!!
  • Tuesday July 21, 2009 —  People have discovered it is the Show Inuyasha a TV Series.
  • Wednesday July 22, 2009 — A Really old Children TV Show That is about all I can say! I don’t know how what happened, because It was “The Electric Company” And not “H.R. Pufnstuf” according to front page. It could be a mistake so I will wait and change this if they don’t fix it by this Afternoon
  • Thursday July 23, 2009 —  I figured it out it is the first episoded of Power Rangers S.P.D. that is the clue (Season 1, Episode 1: Beginnings: Part 1). I was really sure it was S.P.D. due to the fact it was an ABC Show, didn’t see this one coming SPACED.
  • Friday July 24, 2009 —  This one is easy, it is the beginning to X-men Evolution that is the first title and the clue.

If this keeps up I will be enjoying next week.  If you haven’t watched all the episodes for StarGate I would recommend getting them done with before Monday that way you can start enjoying them all over again.

Misconceptions of Affiliate Marketing

Earlier today I was chatting with Mike Smith, from Mike was saying how unreliable it is to have links being displayed on his site. He also talked about how he wasn’t making a lot from those links. He also talked about wanting a sponsor and not affiliates.  I say if he could affiliate market on his podcast he’d start earning money.   So I figured I would offer some great tips to get the Click through conversion rates that work for me:

  • Cater to Your Nich market — If you don’t know you audience how can you know what they are looking for.   Having a site for famous Gossip could cater to Clothes and Jewerly.  This is the first thing you ned to do to start making some kind of money from affiliate marketing.
  • Keep reminding your Audience about your Market — Like Me I keep reminding people about all those good [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]Anti-virus software[/intlink] that can be valuable.  To get people to click on your link you sometimes have to remind them that it is there.   This helps get a residue income from your niche audience.
  • Recommendations do create sales —  if you recommend a product that creates click through and creating a trust between the writer and the Readers.  This gives the readers a reason to come back and stay a while.   If they start trusting you that means they will may click on other recommendations.
  • Create a affiliate sneeze page —  This sounds nasty but having affiliate links on specials in your niche market helps drive traffic to your links.   Like I have a page for [intlink id=”2740″ type=”page”]Cricket Specials[/intlink], it helps keep people coming back and buying through you because it makes it easy to find what they want.

These are just a few that have worked for me there are vast number of websites talking about Affiliates and why they will not work or they talk about making millions.   There are truths in everything you read weather you read comments that affiliate don’t work but that is a misconception because those who say that are people who don’t really understand it or grasp it.    If you aren’t seeing the big picture or thinking a few years down the road then you will never make any substantial amount of money from Affiliate marketing.

There are a lot of techneaks that people use to get more affiliate sales or commision but it is something you have to do and consider the reprocutions of some of these actions.   I talk about email spam, although, 12 percent of people  have opened this is bad practice for affiliates because this create a bad taste in consumers mouth.  This also hurts other people who are trying to get clicks because of the bad taste that prevents those consumers from clicking and maybe create a negative public relations.

Do it right and you could create a great market place for your audience and also create income that keeps coming every month.

Fighting ‘Scareware’ One List at a time

Techworld has published an article that describes how the AV Vendors are compiling a Whitelist of AV Vendors who are really trying to keep there users safe and not trying to ‘[intlink id=”3805″ type=”post”]Scare[/intlink]’ the user into buying a rogue look a like.  They’ve published a Preliminary set of real Antivirus Softwares along with there Company:


As you can see there are at least to that are not listed.  I’ve contacted [intlink id=”3884″ type=”post”]SUPERAntiSpyware[/intlink] about this and they turned right around and started to ask to be added and should be Added in the coming months.   The other is [intlink id=”3851″ type=”post”]Malwarebytes[/intlink] and I am hoping they jump aboard and get in contact with this forum.

The Guys over at [intlink id=”3884″ type=”post”]SUPERAntiSpyware[/intlink] were really grateful that I came across this.   This list will soon help fight the [intlink id=”3918″ type=”post”]SCAREWARE Tactics[/intlink] of the Cyber Criminals.   Truth of the matter is educating oneself and doing a little bit of research can help you determine if the program or company is real or just another rogue company out there.   If your looking for some good Antivirus Software check out my [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]Antivirus Page[/intlink] and see some of the FREE Antivirus Software out there that can help protect your system.