Well with it being the end of the month it was to be expected here is a long list of sites.  So please read these carefully.
[intlink id=”4403″ type=”post”]Personal Antivirus Scareware Site and How to Remove them:[/intlink]
- live-virus-scanner9.com
- tryantivirusscan.com
- antispyware-scanner2.com
- bewareofvirusattacks2.com
- antivirus-scanner6.com
- valueantivirusshop1.com
[ad][intlink id=”4217″ type=”post”]Internet Antivirus Pro Scareware[/intlink]*SUPERAntispyware gets rid of these too*
- adjudg.info
- atwain.info
- caretz.info
- gaudad.info
- krapen.info
- nevils.info
- outliv.info
- penvie.info
- stampo.info
- ticedu.info
- unwept.info
- gelded.info
- dolchi.info
- figgle.info
- botled.info
[intlink id=”3977″ type=”post”]Rogue Antivirus scareware sites[/intlink]:
- securepcshield.com
- myprotectedzone.net