I’m starting off on this little epic because I’ve been using Vista for the past year and half. I have had so much fun finding these little programs for Vista. They’ve helped with making Vista a much more enjoyable platform. These programs I’ve had to search the internet for all these tips and programs.
- Never Stop using MSCONFIG.EXE — This little program lets you do so many things in Vista it’s not funny. You can Enable or Disable UAC, pick the services you want to startup, or pick the startup programs. You can also use the performance monitor, or change the internet options in the Tools tab. You can speed up or slow down your start up time in vista with this little program.
- Shut down Auto-Defragmentation — Windows uses way to much resources with it constantly defragmenting the hard drive. This therefore slows down the startup and shut down time with Vista. This little process will greatly increase your speed. Just remember from time to time to do a manual defragmentation on your hard drive. Click Start>Click Drive>Click tools TAB>Un-Check Run on a Schedule.
- Speed Up the Interface — This little article explains some of the best kept secrets about speed and making windows Do what you want it do. Making boot up time even faster and not slowing you down. I thought I’d just link to this article because of all the valuable tips and tricks they suggest in it. If you have any others just put those in your comments.
- Enable Readyboost — using a 2 gig or higher USB interface or Card will greatly increase your startup and shutdown routines in Vista. You will not have to wait as long for Windows vista to boot. Extreme Tech Did a very good job talking about this so I just linked to them.
- Disable all non-needed programs from startup — Most of the time at startup you get all these programs that you don’t need or want. Disabling the programs you don’t use will greatly increase your speed. Be advised that some programs need to be run at start such as Anti-virus, Anti-Spyrware, and Firewalls and other such things like that. Don’t advise you disabling all of them just the onces that aren’t needed or wanted. To disable the programs run Msconfig.exe>click startup>Un-check programs that you don’t want. Reboot and your there.
I hope you like what I posted and remember that there is much more to come in the future. I will post more later. Enjoy