3 steps to Unlock the Iphone 4+ever

First step and this is the hardest part. DO NOT TELL Apple how you unlock the I-phone, by telling them you run the chance of apple finding a way to update the iphone before you can do anything with it. I say Apple Devteam needs to just be blunt with the media saying only the truth. Something like “Yes we have unlocked the Iphone, but can not tell you the exact details of how we unlocked it!”. Then they say “Yes we have 3rd party apps on the iphone, but again we can’t tell you how we did it!”. The more you keep the information out of Apples hand the more popular you will be with Iphone users.
Second Step is to come out with programs to do it, so apple has no way of getting the information until everyone gets the hack. That way Apple will have to spend money to find out how the devteam did this in the first place. I say the more Apple has to pay for this type of information the less they will worry about ATT. That is just the nature of business. If you can get the Cost of bricking the Iphone to high, I am willing to bet Apple will step away.
Third step is to come up with the next Possible hack and start exploiting it to prevent yourself from having to do this again, and to always have a backup. Just like hard drives the more backups you have the better off you are. I say keep ahead of Apple by coming out with more than one way to unlock the phone and that will help you defeat Apple and ATT. This is the only way to beat Apple at there own game, it’s a hard game. I do hope the Devteam is up to it?

Copyright 10-09-07 at 6am EST time
Can’t be used without the authors express permission!