Job Searching Stress
Let’s face it, no one can says it is easy to Job search and not be stressed because you need the money or even trying to provide for your family. Stress is the one thing that comes with a Job loss for one reason or another. We will always have stress and concerns and living expenses are always a concern because of not having a job. We can have many reasons why we lost but in the IT industry right now due to hiring to many IT people and seeing they need to rearrange how many people they may need. I know Job searching right now really sucks and it used to be so easy to find another job but now everything is different. People not quitting and the IT market not wanting to hire people because of budgeting.  So it is just a matter of time before this all equalizes and IT industry starts to hire people.  I just don’t see this being fast as I may need it to be.
Dealing with Stress
So how do you deal with stress while looking for a job?  I am sure I am not the only one who has asked that the past few days.  I figured I would at least share you how I am dealing with it and maybe it will help with your job searching and how to reduce your stress.
- Exercise – This has helped me tremendously because exercise gets me tired and makes sure I sleep through the night.  I find dedicating an hour or two of getting exercise daily helps keeps the stress from creeping up on me and it seems to keep from having sleepless nights. So it is always suggested to get as much exercise as you think you might need per day to help you with your attitude and sleep.
- Eat a Balanced Diet – Don’t over do it with any foods and manage your food intake when it’s possible and don’t forget to drink plenty of water instead of drinking anything to much like Soda’s and other caffeine drinks.  if you can avoid doing it after Sometime in the afternoon that will prevent you from have a sleepless night.
- Hobbies – Find hobbies that will help you deal with the stress. I like to write so this blog is a way for me to keep my stress down by doing something I love to do. If you can find something that you enjoy doing can make your stress get better over the time you are looking for a job. This has helped in many ways if you have some hobbies that can you can do will help you.
- Support – Find people who can help you deal with stress like family and friends who know your struggle and will give you words of encouragement to let you know they are there for you. Also they may know of a job or two that you might not know of to apply for.
- Sleep – Getting enough sleep is always a good idea to reduce the stress and keep you from having stress. So figure out how to get a good night sleep even if you have to use Melatonin from time to time to keep your sleep regular.  I don’t suggest it every night but I’ve used it once or twice a week when I know I need it but I try to avoid caffeine and stimulants as much as possible during the end of the day to help with my sleep.
- Limit your Job searching – No matter how much your job searching you shouldn’t dedicate your whole 8 hours a day to job searching because that isn’t going to go over well.  Limit your job searching to a maximum, I suggest 1 to 2 hours in the morning and maybe 1 hour in the evening and applying when you see a job.
Finally to help with your job searching, I suggest asking people if they know of any jobs that you may be able to apply for.  This is something that helped me with stress also because they can be looking for a job also for me and may find a job that I didn’t know anything about or may know one from where they are working and I may just need to apply for to get the job.
Nothing is set in stone in these suggestions because no one is the same as me and you should should take these suggestions as to how you will deal with stress and what has worked for you but I am sure these will help you even more in your job searching and stress.  What’s something that has helped you in your stress reduction? Why not leave a comment and tells others what has worked for you. I am always curious how people deal with stress and how they also are dealing with the Job Searching.  Don’t forget to like this post and also tell people who might need an encouragement that they aren’t alone in this job searching. We’ll all in this together and you aren’t alone in having to find a new job.