Getting that interview
I talked about the job market and how that will be more difficult to find a job. That seems to be changing for me. If you didn’t read my post about Tuesday’s call, I will go back and say it was quite a surprise to get a call 30 mins after I applied a a technical support specialist job.  Fast forward two days, they call me and setup an interview time for Next Day. This would be the Thursday after the call on Tuesday and my Interview is Friday. So that’s been my week this week.  I am not sure what to think, but I thought it would be a good idea to at least talk about how to know what questions they might ask me or what even if I should have questions to ask them.
Questions and Answers
Some of the questions I saw and looked over came from Indeed and other hiring sites but I compressed them into a small subset of questions and you can go back and see what they might want to ask you in your interview if you ever have one for a technical support specialist. Although this won’t be exactly what they might ask you but you should at least be somewhat prepared for the questions they ask you and have a few good answers waiting to give back to them.  I am sure what you do is going to be a little bit different from company to company but you should at least have a few good answers ready.
- What made you get into technical support?
- What is your troubleshooting process? (see some of how I troubleshoot motherboards post issues)
- Where do you see yourself in five years?
- Why are you interested in Technical Support?
- Why should we hire you?
- What do you feel your strong Points are?
- What do you feel your week points are?
- What’s your strength
- Why do you want to work here?
- Why did you apply to our company?
These are just a few of the questions that they might ask you for a technical support job. I’ve went through as many sites as I could just to see what they might ask you but every site including Glassdoor has many different questions that might be relevant or not.  No matter how well we prepare, there will be that questions that might be a surprise to you and you should approach it with the best intentions.  Always remember that you are there for a reason.
Tell me about yourself?
That’s either where it begins or it ends depending on the interviewers point or if they need to know a lot about you. The one thing I can tell you and know it works is being yourself and always smiling. If they are going to hire you, that because they see potential in you.  That’s pretty much how I see it.  They are looking for the ideal employee but in life we rarely find that perfect person to fit the job description.  This is why you should always apply for jobs that might not seem like your a good fit.  You’ll know when they call you, take the ques from how they communicate with you. Are they trying to be helpful? are they trying to learn more about you? are they open to your questions? Sure you’ll have questions and that is a good sign that you want to know more about the company. Also do some research on the company and be prepared to know more about it and that way you could be ready for those types of questions.
As you can see it is a whole new world for people to hire employees but most of the time it’s just takes a little bit of effort to do the job right and nothing we say or do will ever make the greatest impact that knowing we are making a difference each and every day in someone’s life.  What’s your experience been with interviews? How’d that go for you? why not leave a comment and talk about it with others who might want to know what to expect.