Friday Video Picks: Job Market and You!

Why is it so hard to Find a Job in 2024?

Is the job maketing getting worse or better? I don’t know but I suspect we will see in the coming weeks as to why it seems that way. Here are a few youtube videos that will help show you that you aren’t alone in this job searching and applying for jobs.

I personally agree with this video because there seems to be a disconnect between the employer and prospective employees trying to pay as little as they can towards the employee to do simple stuff and keep them from not finding another job down the line.  According the the Bureau of Labor Statistics it is sitting at 3.7 right now.

Chart from Bureau of Labor and Statistics

As you can see the job went up doing the covid shutdown and we had a 34% unemployment that went steadily down to where we are now at 3.7% which doesn’t quite make me feel like this is going to get any better but more worse in the coming months due to everyone will eventually need to get unemployment insurance to survive and the number will rise sooner than later this year just by what I am seeing in the job market unless something happens and companies stop being picky.

The Labor Market and Job Applications

I know it has been an interesting few days for me since my lay off last week.  I will even say some of this is definitely not something I would want to give to an enemy.   I have been applying for jobs and trying to find a job for over a week and it looks like slim pickings right now for where I have been and where I want to go.   Not to mention, that we are having so many people trying to find a job and keep a job is something that will help make your job searching any better.

The Job market and Me!

I don’t know what to say about these two videos but they were very well documenting just how hard others are having the same issue as I am and it looks to be something that will last few a while.   I might have to find jobs that aren’t related to the tech industry for the time being just keep money coming in.   Are you experiencing not finding a job in the the technology industry?   How’s it going for you?  Have you had the same issues others have had?  Why not leave a comment and start a discussion on what it has been like and don’t forget to subscribe to my blog for more blog posts about my journey into finding a job.   Happy Friday everyone!