Cluely’s blog talks about this and I thought I would talk about it a little myself!!
[ad#cricket-right-ez]This is the newest version of the Conflicker/Downadup variant of the little worm. There seems to be people who are worried that April 1, there will be a major wake up in security no holds bar problems.
Some people have got rather confused as to what the April 1st deadline really means. The truth is that Conficker is not set to activate a specific payload on April 1st. Rather, on April 1st Conficker will begin to attempt to contact the 50,000-a-day potential call-home web servers from which it may receive updates.
[Via Graham’s Cluely Blog]
Now let’s talk about this a little, this worm won’t do anything else but ask for updates on April 1, and we don’t know when the virus writers will implement the update it could be a month down the line. You could[intlink id=”3171″ type=”post” target=”_blank”] Backup[/intlink] your software and use the free program [intlink id=”2883″ type=”post” target=”_blank”]Autopatcher[/intlink] to help make sure your system is completely up to date with windows security. You can’t forward the to that date to find out what will it call home to.   We don’t know what it will do when they update to the conficker.c program all we know it starts to try to call to certain domains on April 1, 2009. So you should install [intlink id=”2205″ type=”page”]Anti-virus and Firewalls[/intlink] where you think it is needed.
I am sure though this will be an really big April Fools Joke from the Virus Programmers, they will be laughing at the hysteria of people trying to find out all the important information on April 1, and yet it might not start to happen until much later!! You are the first line of defense from getting a virus or any malware. So let’s keep our heads on straight and not go over board! Only time will tell, and I am sure what happens on Apr 1, 2009 will be a new day.