4chan and Woofer equals Chris Pirillo

I was doing my usual looking around the internet and I found Woofer, this is almost like Twitter but a little different.  woffer is:

We are in no way associated with Twitter.

This is simply a novelty website where we thought it would be funny to have a minimum character requirement for public posts and see what people did with it.

What can you accomplish with the extra 1260 characters?

  • – Be eloquent.
  • – Use adverbs.
  • – DEA (don’t ever abbreviate).

[Via Woofer’s About page]

As I was checking this out I saw Chris Pirillo Posting comments almost like it was a bot:

chris-pirillo-woofer2Upon clicking the MORE button you would get something like this:


[ad]Now I don’t know what the extra characters are but let’s talk about Moot and 4chan.    Moot is the founder and owner of 4chan.   I can only guess what is going on but the public timeline for Woofer is littered with  this as off tonight.   I don’t know if this is just to get attention to go to woofer or if this is an attempt to have 4chan attack Chris Pirillo, either way this will most likely be an ongoing development.  if anyone can figure out the characters by all means email me or leave a comment and I’ll do a followup story on this.   Although this could be because you have to the ridiculously long woof and might just be added by the server to fit the character requirements.  I do not know.

Understanding a Bloggers Heart

I’ve had so many people talk about why blog? I’ve seen articles about blogging being dead. I say that’s not going to happen, it is the heart of a blogger to talk about what they want to talk about. It comes from the idea that they have the understanding of the what a blogger is!

What’s a blogger?

It’s in the wikapedia as this : “A blog (a contraction of the term web log) is a website, usually maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. “Blog” can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.”  So what does that say about me? Well let us talk about this in terms we can understand. Having been blogging for the last few months or I should say year(s). I’ve got some things to say about this. Not all bloggers are bad and not all bloggers are professional. I hate to say this but it is the truth some bloggers have never went to school for writing class or other such education. We saw this as a way to talk about what we are passionate about and want to educate others. It comes from a desire to socialize with people who have the same interest and to be part of a greater plan.


How do you find a good blogger?

Looking for good service is essential to finding the bloggers that have the best content. They want you to return to there site to see what else is going on. They want you to tell people to go check this site out. They post regularly and have a conversation with the readers. Having been thinking to myself, how to better make my blog accessibility is the hardest thing with an aging blog. It’s really hard for us to ask for help. Sometimes a blog goes in the wrong direction and we as readers need to tell the blog author what you think by leaving a comment.

Why comment on a blog entry?

It’s not that a comment makes or breaks a blog. It’s the communication from the reader to the author of the blog. You can tell the blog owner or author what you think when it comes to a particular idea or particular way of thinking. Sometimes it is good to say you liked the blog entry or say where we missed it. It’s the idea of washing the feet of the blogger. Yes you sometimes have to wash the feet of the blogger because if he is dirty, you can clean the feet of the blogger. By doing this you make it possible for the blogger to become better on his blog entries.


How to not hurt the blogger feelings!

Even though you’ve not seen a blogger, they do have feelings and want to keep blogging. You can hurt the blogger’s feelings by saying mean comments on the blog or talking bad about a blogger’s website. Most blogs want to make money and I also know how hard it is to keep my blog going. I am playing 2nd Fiddle with my blog and others blog. I want it to be that way to better help my readers.

Is playing 2nd Fiddle as good as 1st Fiddle?

I wonder how many of you play 2nd Fiddle to produce harmony with blogging. I want my blog to be an outlet to better harmonize with other blogs that I read or help out. I am sacrificing a lot to better create a blog that people will come to my site. How have you created harmony with other bloggers? Most of the time we want to be better than others. Guess what? Being 2nd is better than being first in the blog, in my opinion. I can do more and say more than being on top. I don’t have to try to make come up with the hard articles or the ones that are Hot Topics articles. I can say it’s good being 2nd Fiddle and love it from time to time.


You can’t be an executive blogger without first learning to blog!

You have to learn to become a blogger before you can have a successful blog. It’s teaching a child they can do anything they want with-in reason. That’s like a newly created blog, they can do anything if they put there mind to it. That’s why I’ve decided to talk about this topic. I want the bloggers who read this to come back with even more questions or suggest ideas. I find sometimes having questions is sometimes the way to make my blogger better. I throw out questions to get my juices flowing per say. I want to be a better blog and I need you to direct me and encourage me. So I throw this out at you, you want more stuff like this, please feel free to comment. If you want to see something on my blog, Leave a comment.

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