Alien Ware Extreme Gaming Notebook M17 17 Inch

Looks like they are out of stock on this Laptop but they do have Alienware M17x-2857DSB 17-Inch Laptop (Black) which looks to be an upgraded version of this one!!!

  • Windows Vista® Home Premium (32- and 64-bit)(default)
  • Windows Vista® Ultimate (32- and 64-bit)
  • Intel® Coreâ„¢2 Duo Or Quad and Extreme Processors (12MB Cache, 1066MHz FSB)
    Intel® PM45 + ICH9M-E Chipset up to 4 GB
    ATI Mobility Radeonâ„¢ HD 3870 (Also Comes with CrossfireX Enabled)
  • Dual Harddrive In Raid 0 Config or you can have a single hard drive

    1. 5400 RPM – Up to 1TB (2 x 500GB)

    1. 7200 RPM – Up to 640GB (2 x 320GB)

So I saw this and had to tell people this is a sweet laptop for people who like to go and play games in a large group. You would be able to play for hours on end, all you would need is an power cord. I would love one of these to try out.  If you want to go check it out or buy it. Here’s the Alienware M17x-2857DSB 17-Inch Laptop (Black).

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Peek Email tops Time Gadget of the Year!

[ad#ad2-right]I’ve not seen this yet, I will do my research on this Peek Email Device. This is fascinating that I didn’t know that there was something I’ve never heard of.   Anyways, I can’t beleive they don’t have a netbook or the new Gaming Laptop.  Please, a WII fit, Now how did they get there too?   How did The T-Mobile G1 get number 5th in the list.  I’m surprised that the GameBoy Advanced wasn’t one to be on there, After all they sold so many this year.   Why not the Xbox 360?  It seems people can still vote but don’t expect anything to change.

Go Vote and lets make our voice heard!!

With Black Friday for 2008 quickly approaching!!

Since Black Friday is approaching next month, I Figured it is time to point to places where you could find them.  Now that being said, I don’t think people should take some of these ads serious because of all the possibility.  Where these ads are being placed is not going to be the absolute final end all price.   Knowing these competitors like I do, they are going to have an ace in the hole.  You will probably not find out until a week or a few days before black Friday.

They will of course try to keep the really juicy stuff out of the hands of people who blab about this on the net.

Why do they have Black Friday?

The term “Black Friday” originated in Philadelphia in reference to the heavy traffic on that day. More recently, merchants and the media have used it instead to refer to the beginning of the period in which retailers are in the black (i.e., turning a profit).

[via Wikipedia]

Now that being said you can expect to save a lot on Electronics, maybe even laptops.  You could even save money buying a Playstation 3, or an Xbox 360.   That it why there is so much hype in this so called black friday.   With the possible recession looming over our heads, everyone is worried about being laid off.

Here are some great sites to watch to see what might be coming your way:


With these links you should start to find the deals and plan out where you want to be in the coming future.   If you have any other websites just put them in the comments section for all to see.

I want to hear what people think about Black Friday ads.  Is it right to to have this information early, or is it wrong?  Do you think they will stop this in the near future?  These are all the questions I have been wondering?  Is this right for them to hide this information or do they have a real need to hide it?  Why not come up with another Black Friday date?  I want to hear you comments and your ideas on this and other post.

WOW:Chamber of Secrets might have a Copyright issue on there Hands!!


At any rate, the quest is called Chamber of Secrets and asks you to investigate the Servant’s Quarters of Karazhan for a new NPC (possibly boss). [via]

So I sit here thinking how interesting this could be!!!  WOW is having a quest called “Chamber of Secrets”.  Now I don’t know much but this might infringe on Harry Potter’s Book Chamber of Secrets?  Would someone like clarify me this point.  I’m going to keep my eye on this one!!!