Which Tablet is right for your Business? Part Two

New iPad/tablet kitchen mount. Very handy.

Size and weight Counts!

So In the Previous Entry we talked about the differences in tablets themselves.   I hate leaving it alone, so we are going to pick up where we left off!  Some questions that we first must ask and then answer are:
  • What will it be used for?
  • Will it be carried around a lot?
  • Do you need Internet?
  • Storage Space?
  • Accessories with it!
  • Battery Power?

Even though these seems like a few questions that are not important, may actually be important.   You could need internet for emailing people or just to take orders.   So it isn’t like you should ignore these or others.   Each question helps you determine which Tablet is best suited for your needs and which one maybe more or less expensive depending on how you intend to use it!

Do research!

If your like me you may have found this blog because you were doing your research but it doesn’t mean it ends here.   You will want to learn everything from wherever you can.   For example, did you know the Ipad can’t have an external SD card and thus might not be the best for your situation.   

I will tell you that each Tablet comes with it’s unique personalities and you will have to treat each one differently.    

The difference between an Ipad and the Acer A200 that I bought is quite simple, The Acer can have an Micro SD card and has an USB input so you can do multiple things to it compared to the Ipad which is limited to only a few things and can’t be easily upgrade with memory or size.  Although, probably has great speed and reliability, it however isn’t as important to me as which one actually you need.

Got Internet?

This is one of those really important questions because you have so many things that you might need.   I remember one time when I needed to get online to look up a solution for a problem at a friends house. He didn’t have wireless only wired and he only had one system that I was working on at the time.   I learned the hard way to always have a Mifi card on me in case that happens again.  Although you could also Tether to your Cell phone like I did but then you will still need to worry about charges to your account unless you already have it setup for just that.

If you did get a tablet how would you use it on the internet what are the cost to tethering it or buying a Mifi card for just that.   You got to make sure the expenses aren’t going to hurt your chances of making money and how to recoup your need for the internet.

I know this is a lot to think about, but remember which ever tablet you decide on will have to last you for a year or two.   It also might be a good idea  to get insurance on it [Affiliate Link] in case you break it or a customer’s kids break it!

Google introduces the Androids G1 today!


With the recent announcement of Apples earnings. So now that Google released this, is Apple going to be able to keep up the steam with the Iphone? Which phone are you going to buy the Iphone or the Android G1? So far T-mobile has did pre-orders on the phone now to see what the earnings are for this little adventure? Is it enough?

Go check it out and let me know what you think.