If your like me you will want to make sure you have the best possible speed and connection with your broad band modem. Here are a few articles to better help with you get the best possible speed with a broad band modem like a Cricket modem:
- Cricket USB UM100 Broadband Wireless Modem Review.
- Get your Cricket Broadband to Activate Manually!
- Cricket Broad Band Modem Extended Review 12/23/08
- Cricket Wireless Broadband Card — How to get better speed!
Some other things to consider are:
These will start to make it better for you to use a modem and get the best possible speeds from the modem. You have to realize what your coverage area is. There are many factors in regards to your modem speed but that is something that you will have to figure out how to get better speeds.
How do you use Skype with your Cellular broad band modem?
Somethings to remembers with your broadband modem is you won’t have a good connection no matter how hard you try.  Most cellular carriers don’t want you to us it with VOIP(Voice of Internet Protocol).  So you will have to pay close attention to how you use the bandwidth and what you are doing while making a VOIP call.
The good thing about Skype is, it comes with some very useful tools to better watch your bandwidth and to help get the best possible connection. You will want to make sure not to have it be a super-node, to do this you go to:
Tools then;Options
As you can see I checked off use port 80 and 443 as alternative incoming connections, I also like to see all the technical information and bandwidth usage per call. I made sure to use Socks5 to prevent skype from becoming a super-node. I also have it set to not automatically start up when I load windows. To do that all you have to do is go to the General tab and un-check start Skype when Windows start.  You can use any port you want as long as you use the same on the SOCKs5 setting also.  I just made the port up it can be 0 to 4 numbers long.  If you want to understand what ports are this little document will greatly help you figure out which ports are good to use. Some other things to remember when you use Skype for long periods of time is if you need to call someone you should try not to use the internet to much for that takes bandwidth also. It is better to have Skype use all the possible bandwidth you have available.