Valentine’s Day Brings More Malware!

Panda Labs talks about this new technique where it tries to install W32/Waledac.C.worm under the thought of someone special. It sends out email to people hoping to click links such as:


  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://

Once your at the site,  clicking on the hearts you would then download an file that is the worm!!  SO here are some things to remember.

If you don’t know the person, then it’s probably spam.   If you know the person you need to ask them before you run the program.   You also need to scan any downloads before you run them.  Go to my Malware Page and get a free Anti-virus and Firewall.  For the likely possibility this worm seems to search the computer and harvest email addresses, you should also warn the person who email you the link to let them know that they are infected.

MikeTechSHow Listener Roundtable Jan 24, 2009

We had a great discussion on Windows 7 Beta and I wanted to post this so people can download it and check it out themselves.    You have an idea for the next round table, just leave a comment and I’ll let Mike know.   I enjoyed this one so much and can’t wait for the next one!!

Miketechshow Listener Roundtable

[If your at my post, Hover over link to listen to it]

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Please feel free and visit the Miketechshow website, and if you like his site please come back.  Don’t forget to visit the Miketechshow Forums and check it out.  Who knows you might be able to help someone out from time to time.

Brace for Impact, Brace for Botnet! (Conflicker Worm)

The Worm that has infected 6% of Personal Computers is starting to build into something totally different.  According to some Researchers, they are saying this has to happen soon. And I’ll quote:

In any case, today seems better than the day before and we think that growth of Downadup has been curbed. Disinfection of the worm remains a challenge.

[Via F-secure]

[ad#ad2-right]Although this sounds like it has stopped, I don’t think so I am sure the worm will get even bigger.   I don’t think it has been curbed we might have a rest period before the Worms tries again.

“Why is it taking so long?” asked Huger. “That’s what we’re all asking.” He couldn’t recall an attack of this size with such a long lag time between the initial attacks and follow-on downloads of more malware to the hijacked systems.

[Via PcWorld]

Now We know this exploit is being patched as quickly as possible in some areas of the industry but that leaves the question?  What isn’t being patched, I am guess the next stage of this worm is mutant into a new worm much like the way it tries to communicate to download new software or instruction.   I believe it will be using a newer exploit so that it can infect even more computers.   I also think it will be a botnet and so does others.

But he also pointed out that the clock is ticking. “If they don’t hurry up and do it, someone else will,” he said, explaining that hackers must fend off not only security researchers, but also other criminals, who would like nothing better than to pinch a ready-to-use botnet.

[Via PcWorld]

So they are going to use this Downadup Worm soon, I am counting on it.   Somethings for IT professionals to prevent more infections are to make sure you have patched the latest security holes before they exploit that.   Like my favorite program, the Clone of Autopatcher, which you can create a month by month patch DVD to install on all important systems.   IT professionals must not start getting relax, because of people saying it is on the downfall. In nature there are always going to be periods of rest before growth. So I am sure something will happen rather quickly, and probably in the next week or two.

Looks Like and was Hacked : Change your PW!!


As is the case with many companies that maintain large databases of information, Monster is the target of illegal attempts to access and extract information from its database. We recently learned our database was illegally accessed and certain contact and account data were taken, including Monster user IDs and passwords, email addresses, names, phone numbers, and some basic demographic data. The information accessed does not include resumes. Monster does not generally collect – and the accessed information does not include – sensitive data such as social security numbers or personal financial data.

As a further precaution, we want to remind you that an email address could be used to target “phishing” emails. Monster will never send an unsolicited email asking you to confirm your username and password, nor will Monster ask you to download any software, “tool” or “access agreement” in order to use your Monster account.

UsaJobs.Gov is a partner with so You should think about changing your Password.    They Also think this will be used for Phishing, if you have any doubts to the authenticity of email.  I’d suggest doing a google search on the company or name of the person who emailed you that way you can be well informaed before you do decide how you will handle it.   Also Remember most times if they ask you download software, it is probably Malware and should be scanned by your Anti-virus software.

Spammers defies Bill Gates ‘magic Solution’

Sopho’s published statistics and I thought I would talk about it here.   Bill Gates promised to have a Magic Solution 5 Years ago.   Sophos Also provide a Chart of the Dirty Dozen:


Sopho’s also is claiming that “US retains its crown as spam king“.    I don’t think so because of the the Other 32.4%.   The US can’t be the main culprit to spam.    So What was this ‘Magic Solution’ that they promised 5 years ago?

Microsoft has two techniques in mind for solving the spam issue, both based on the premise of changing the economics of email to place a greater burden on the sender.

[Via CBR]

Microsoft did have some good ideas but they wouldn’t work for right now because the first part of the ‘magic Solution’ was to add  mathmatical question to each and every email we sent out.   I know that this wasn’t going to work because hackers have already created a systems to get around the captcha verification.

[ad#ad2-right]Spammers of course are the ones  who is sending out the spam but they have people who write virus software, which I consider a hacker.  You see they want to infect systems so they can easily send out even more email.  When a system becomes a Botnet they usually are used to send out email.  If your curious as to what a Botnet is Check out the Wikipedia entry for further details.  So they need these systems to be able to send out spam, and other types of email phishing.   Most of the time a spammers  spam just for money because they make money by spamming people.   I hate spam because it clogs up our email accounts with unwanted emails.

So Did Microsoft come up with a fix?  According to Sopho’s they seem to be dropping percentages from 2004 to now in the US.   I have to wonder if Microsoft proclomation made them worry and go outside of the US.   I don’t think it will stop in fact, I suspect with the economy like it is we will undoubtedly start seeing even more spam and even more computer infections.

In order to prevent yourself from viruses and computer infections, you will need to install Anti-virus software and a Good firewall, not just the Default Windows Firewall.  This will greatly increase your chances of not getting a virus and possibly help prevent some of the spam.   You should also tell your associates or customers the benefits of preventive updates.  You should also remind people about not clicking links in emails and also not everything you read is true.