Filling the internet need 1/3

See the need, Fill the Need” — Robots Movie (2005)

Having seen the movie, I figured I’d offer some insights into how to create demand for your site. Yes it is something that comes with knowing your client or I should call them web users. If it wasn’t for these people, you wouldn’t have a reason to blog. I don’t say that lightly, you would still have a desire to blog but that in itself wouldn’t get your where you are today.


Where are you today?

Are you not getting the desired Google hits or even yahoo search hits. I’ve found that having them look at my site it is the matter of what the current web user is looking for. Most of the time on my website, they come here to find out how to and Hulu information. I am not a big blog, I’ve got my readers who come to my site regularly and those who are what I like to call a hit and miss. They are the ones that come to my site and then leave not doing anything but looking for a particular information or a how to. They don’t care what your blog is about, they want to get in and fix there problem and will probably not remember anything about your site. This is to be expected. Most people use Google religiously and not sites.

What do you mean people use Google more often?

I’ve seen so many people use Google to get to my site. They put in tech-linkblog, techlinkblog, tech link blog, and so on. I have so many people do that sometimes, I wonder if I should come up with an easier name. Is having an easier name to remember much better or do they use Google? Using Google isn’t bad, it’s easiest to do because when you start up your Firefox Browser. It automatically start up with:

This is the common start up page for Mozilla Firefox.  So you can see how easy it is to use google when you need to find something really quickly.


How do I serve the other blogs?

I’m am betting you are wondering why you want to support other blogs? It’s something that comes with understanding the web users. It comes with the territory. We know that most web users want content and have links to other web sites just to give people the chance to find some good content. I am not going to say you need to create the best content but having content is implied to having the best possible content for people to find your blog.

This is going to be a 3 part blog discussing this very topic and my thoughts on this.   Keep watching for the next 2 parts of this to come in the next two days.