Backup your Mozzila Thunderbird profiles

So you have all this mail you want to back up in case something terrible happens to your hard drive.  So here is ways to backup your email and other programs in Vista.  I think Vista has a new way of keeping program profiles in an hierarchical setup.  So what is the HIDDEN directory it is:



Now as you can see your Thunderbird profile is in a hidden directory in the AppData Directory.  You can easily get to the hidden directory by typing %appdata% {enter} in the search bar of Vista.  Now How do you backup and restore.   The program I use to backup is GoodSync.  I send the data to the cloud and when I need it I can restore it back to the directory. Now what about restoring, if you have to do a complete re-install of Thunderbird you can always copy over the back up to the Thunderbird Profiles directory and install Mozilla Thunder bird and it should see it.   If by chance you load up Thunderbird and you have to re add everything you would have to delete everything in that directory and then restore from the back up.

It is also a good idea to backup all the roaming directory from time to time.  This way you have every important program needed in case of a problem with your drive.    These are just a few tips and tricks to keep your data safe from having problems in the long run.


Fixing the Adobe Problem!!

If your have been having problems with Flash Players stoping after 2 seconds of playing.  I have a few ideas to try to get rid of the problem.  It used to happen all the time with Vista in the early days.  Here’s what I did to occasionally get the flash player to work:


  • Cleaning out the Prefetch Directory! — Having seen this from time to time. If you have programs startup that might need to be refreshed this will refresh them so that they run like new. You occasionally can get programs that will load in a odd way and this will fix that also.

  • You want to be more anonymous? — Cleaning out your cache on your browser can sometimes fix the problem. It’s like anything else it can sometimes be corrupted.

  • Some Important programs to prevent yourself from having viruses and Malware!! — Having seen this with my own two eyes, if you have a viruses or malware on your system that too can cause problems with playback of flash media.  So just double check making sure you don’t have any viruses.

  • Adobe Flash tips and Tricks! — Also having found this out.  Adobe actually keeps the flash video on there servers cached or sometimes somewhat buffered to help with playback.  Clean the cache out at the source sometimes fixes the problem also.


Now having used some of these tricks to get flash players to run has on occasion worked for some strange reason or another.  Although I don’t know if this will fix the 2 second playing video problem I get the feeling it should since in theory it has everything to do with cache and corruptions of the files. If you can come up with some other tips or tricks to fix the problem let me know!!

Limiting Use of Your Bandwidth!!

With the Recent Comcast deciding to declare how much of bandwidth you can use.  I decided to talk about how to limit your bandwidth.  So Here are some tips and tricks to get the most out of your bandwidth:


Chapter 1 Understanding your Wireless Router : This is a must.  This chapter talks about how to access your router and and how what is an IP!!

Chapter 210 Ways to keep your wireless router Secure — This one will help with those pesky neighbors who are leeching of your internet and Bandwidth!

Chapter 3

  • Turn off Auto Update to Unimportant programs : Having several programs checking for updates can start to add up.  Although this is a small amount of bandwidth.  It will give your that extra amount.
  • When not using your Internet turn off your Modem : This one is the most useful because when your not using your internet just turning off the modem will prevent you from using to much bandwidth.
  • Use a program like AppSnap to update your programs : Having told you that you should stop auto-updating on some of programs.  Here is how you can update manually.  This little program will check most of what you have installed on your system and will let you know which ones have available updates.  This should be done once a week or every other week!!
  • Use a Program like GoodSync to perform backups : Know that some people have backups in the cloud this will greatly reduce the amount of bandwidth your system will use to upload to the cloud.  Get an E3 Amazon account and use the program to back to E3.
  • By an External Backup Hard Drive : This option is also good for people who have the need for all the bandwidth possible.  Buying an external hard drive for use as backup is also a good idea so that way you don’t depend on your internet bandwidth.   Just remember when you do a backup take it off site just in case of a fire or earthquake or something like that.   Might be time to buy a Safety Deposit Box, and use that.


In an Upcoming post I will be discussing the program or tools you need to  monitor your bandwidth!  This is going to be a must for thos who need to monitor you monthly bandwidth per month.  I will be looking into some of the options available to you for free.

Tips and Tricks to Shut down Windows Vista!

Yes we will be talking about why Vista won’t shut down properly.  It is a common problem in all models.   It has been know to cause some issues with boot up.  In the past, Vista when you hit the shut down or you did the short cut Windows key>Right Three Times>Enter, it wouldn’t shut down instantly.  I’ve recently found out how to fix this problem and why it comes and goes.  Here are some great ways to get Vista to shut down properly

    • Boot into Safe Mode —  Yes booting into safe mode will fix the problem to a point.  Here is what you need to do at start up of computer.  Press F8 as soon as you see the screen flicker black and you will be given a choice.  Choose Safe Mode.  Once done booting into safe mode.  Log into you user name.  There you will want to check with Msconfig. Make sure you aren’t loading up anything that might stop shut down from happening.  Once done they do the shut down procedure.  By doing it in safe mode you have vista reset all procedures to shut down.  This sometimes resolves the issue.
    • Don’t Shut down Vista improperly — having seen this from time to time.  If you do a hard shutdown, which you drop power or remove the battery.  This has been know to cause a issue with shutting Vista down properly.  There seems to be a correlation with vista and hard shutdowns.  I do not know how or why, I just seen that with my current Vista machine.
    • Make sure you exit out of legacy programs before you shut down — legacy programs are programs that aren’t designed for vista but are designed for Windows XP, 2000, 3.1, 3.0.  I don’t recommend using programs that are designed for Windows NT and nothing else.  If it’s in the list when you buy a program.  NT and Vista are siblings, they both use the same kernel.  Microsoft has said that in the past and I believe it.  So it only comes with reason that NT programs can work with Vista.  I’ve not tried but I’d be willing to say it could be done.
    • Let it think about shutting down — I find if I tell it to shut down and walk away it will eventually shut down.  I think it has a long wait time before shutting down.  Some program has to time out before it can shut down, or it has to tell vista that it needs to unload a program from memory.
    • Try using the registry hack — I’ve not tried this one but some say they get Vista to shut down properly and quickly by cutting the wait time out protocol in the registry.  I’ve seen it done on some Windows XP, it will shut down almost instantly because it doesn’t wait for the program to say anything.  It forces the program to quit.  So it could very well help you with shutting down Vista if your in a hurry.  Also try this: Faster Shutdowns using the Run Dialog
    • Don’t put the computer in sleep mode — This is only good for those who have laptops.  It seems putting the system in sleep mode slows down Vista when you are ready to shut down.  It seems to have a conflict in the system and has been know to cause interference with other shutdown procedures, so I recommend if you are done with your system to either leave it on, or shut it down but not to put your system into hibernation.

If you follow these steps you will find that Vista stops having this shutdown issue.  I had the same problems as others but after doing these steps myself, I’ve found Vista to shutdown faster and quicker and not hang during shutdown.  If you have any other ideas feel free to email me or make a comment on how to get Vista to shutdown quicker. If you like what you’ve seen by all means click on one of my ads to show support to my site.

Fighting an endless battle!

Having been perusing my email inbox the last few days.  I’ve noticed that Gmail hasn’t been catching all the spam.  So I’ve deciding to write an How to fight spam the hard way.   Why write about something people know all about spam. It is the fact that we have come to be complacent and ignore the spam that comes from our inbox.

[ad]To think if we allow this spam to keep coming our way.  So I’ve figured I show you how to fight back with spam.  It won’t be an easy process but if you follow these few steps you too could get what you need done and make a wold difference with fighting spam.  Some people will say it can’t be done.  I’ve done it i n the past and I do it now.  So let’s start: is the first part of this epic adventure.  I say it’s the easiest part because it doesn’t take a lot of know how to find out the information you need. So let’s start with you get a spam message in your inbox and you want to report this spam to the proper people and make it harder for the spammers to get away with this.


You would want to look for any domains in the email message such as a (dot)gov, (dot)com, (dot)us, ETC and do a look up with and find out who to email.  It’s going to be one of the following:

  • Admin@(domain)
  • Postmaster@(domain)
  • abuse@(domain)

There are always going to be more, but you get the picture.  You then forward the message to either one or all of them and tell them in the email why you are emailing them.  I usually say something with TOS(Terms of Service).  That way you sound a little more forceful.  If you want to cut down on spam.  I dare you to report one peace of spam a day.  I can pretty much bet.  You will drop in spam in under a week.  On an upcoming article I will discuss why you would report spam.