So you want to listen to several podcast a day and you don’t know how to do it. I’ve had so many people ask me how do I listen to 10 to 15 Podcasts a day. My rule of thumb on this is simple, look at what you throught the day and figure out how you can listen to them. By doing the lawn, by doing the dishes, or cleaning the house. You can even have fun and listen to them at work. So let’s talk about what ones I like to listen to.  This is kinda hard because I’ve get 2 or three daily Tech Cruft which are:
- Buzz Out Loud [rating:4/5]
- The Gillmor Gang [rating:2.5/5]
- Computer America [rating 3.5/5]
What podcasts do I listen to more than once? Here are some interesting the ones I like and Have really cool and great content.
- Caffination Podcast [rating:4.1/5]
- Geek News Central [rating:5/5]
These are the ones that podcast more than once a week. They do it twice a week. There is one that does podcast for several areas. That one I like to listen to get my meat and get all the technology woes.
- Security Now [Rating:4.2/5]
- This Week in Tech [rating:4.1/5]
- Macbreak Weekly [rating: 4.5/5]
- Leo’s Radio Show KFI [rating: 4/5]
- WIndow’s Weekly [rating:4.5/5]
- Jumping Monkey’s [rating:4/5]
- Net@Night [rating:4/5]
Now I won’t go into details on all the ones that I listen on a weekly podcasts. I will list a few good podcast that I thought people should check out.
- The Mike Tech Show [rating:4.5/5]
- Dr. Bill: The Computer Curmudgeon [rating:4/5]
- Radio [rating:3.8/5]
- Mind of Root [rating:4.2/5]
- Xbox Live Major Nelson [rating: 4.5/5]
- Casting from the server room. [rating: 4/5]
- Maximum PC No BS podcast [rating:4/5]
I like to listen to podcasts at work because it helps with fixing computers and keeps me up to date on what is going on the computer world. These are my favorite podcast and left the others that sometimes are good on an occassion but I do want to know what others listen to, I would like to get some better podcasts to listen too. What’s your favorite podcast to listen to? What’s the URL?