I just read this on several blogs and thought I’d share the details with you, it seems that Microsoft didn’t know there was a problem with this Bug/Vulnerability.  Computer world has a great article and says this:
[ad#ad2-right]“The updates Microsoft released yesterday do not address this possible vulnerability,” a Microsoft spokesman said today in an e-mail reply to questions, “but I can tell you that Microsoft is investigating these new public claims of a possible vulnerability in Internet Explorer.”
[Via ComputerWorld]
I can only hope that Microsoft fixes this Vulnerability soon, I would take a guess that they will try to get this out on the patch cycle if not they will push it out after.  Some things to remember with IE(Internet Explorer) is only use it with Microsoft Updates.  I also Suggest downloading FireFox and checking out my Anti-virus and Anti-Spyrware Page for ways to prevent from getting a virus.