Myles Munroe – January 28, 2005
This Book helped me with Singleness!
I have been reading “Single, Married, Seperated, and life after Divorce” (Amazon Affiliate link) and after reading this. I can’t but help tell you why being single helps me in so many ways. I although know the desires of my heart and others where you may want to find that special someone. This book however has so many good qualities to help people learn that being single can be so undeserving. Being single can be so much fun and less stressful.
I’m going to share with you some of the things that I have learned from this book that will help you wanting to be single even more!
No unexpected expenses!
Let’s face it being married, you have to know what your partner bought and forgot to tell you. The only thing you have to worry about is having enough saved to pay for unexpected car repairs. Even with both you in constant communications with your spouse, there is always going to be things your spouse will buy and tell you afterwards.
No fights!
When I was with my ex, I was always having stress because we would be at odds with each other and we would always have to compromise. While I am single, I do not have to worry about any compromising. It’s my way and I do not have to listen to no one!
Myths about Married and Single People!
I seriously love the show Mythbusters and watch it every chance I get. So this myth that being married or even being single has so many disadvantages but it is clearly a myth. Being unique is something that we should strive for in our day to day life. Whether we are married or single, no one understand that being single can be a very make for more enjoyment. Most people confuse Singleness with what it’s like being single. People see others hugging, and showing affection and they yearn for that closeness but yet they do not know themselves. Until you know yourself, you can not understand others and this is why being single is so Awesome!
I’ve pretty much told you my take on why being Awesome is so good, but I would love to hear yours. Please feel free to leave a comment and tell me your thoughts on this book! I learned so much from this book and I’ll probably reread it to learn even more!
I encourage people to go read the book and become an individual (Amazon Affiliate Link). When you do that and have a life filled with singleness, then you may find that special someone walking into your life!