One thousand GamerTags have been Hacked on Xbox!

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XBOX has been Hacked!

From what I can tell there are 1,009 GamerTags with passwords and email addresses. I am unsure how many of them are real and how many are just fake or if they are all fake. I do know if you have an XBOX account and you want to know if your account is hacked you can go to Pastebin and hit Control-F and either enter your GamerTag or email address.

Change your Password!

If you need to change your password on your XBOX account, all you really need to do is reset your live account.   Somethings to remember when changing your password is to have a difficult password and also something that can have a Dictionary Attack on it.  This has happened in the past with Xbox having accounts being hacked, it actually happened in 2007.  I recommend using something like Lastpass to create a very strong password that is hard to crack.   I know the pain of entering that password into XBOX but that is one way no one will gain access to your account!

Paul Sylvester

Protecting your personal information!

Booted from AmigaOS 4.1 Update 1 Live CD. Image via Wikipedia

People will steal your information in a heartbeat!

If you have had your head in the ground lately, you would let people see your information without you even knowing it.  If your one of those people who use your Ipad, kindle Fire (Affiliate link), or some really good Android device to check your emails or browsing the web, then your information is vulnerable to people reading or getting your information.

There are several ways to get your information, I’ve already talk about one way that someone hacked an account on one of my favorite science fiction site.   I actually had to help solve the problem and get the site running without redirecting visitors to another site.   This isn’t always about scaring people but to help them do what is needed.

Security starts with simple stuff!

To protect your personal information is a simple as one, two, and three.   Nothing in this article is going to be very hard but I intent to help you make it even easier to for those who are untrained.   Having to help a couple of my customers with this, I’ve pretty much come up with a way to safely browse the web without leaving footprints for those really hard to find viruses.

Portable Apps — This is a great little tool that you can customize and install Lastpass.   I thoroughly recommended it in the past and still do, it is a great deterrent for key loggers and phishing attacks.  Lastpass even has a portable(Mobile) application so you don’t have to install anything on the computer in questions.

Create a Live CD — Making a Pen Drive can go a long way to prevent from getting a virus or even someone getting your personal information, but that won’t help if your using a wireless hotspot.

Install Ubuntu — This the easiest way to have a Linux system on your computer.   Now I am not going to say Linux is worry free from viruses, but that does make it less likely to get them.   I really think Linux is OS is something that will stand the test of time because of it being an Open Source and not a closed projects like Apple and Windows.

Create a Virtual Machine —  this is like creating a live CD but not having to reboot.   You can create a virtual machine and run the live cd in the virtual machine.  This is however not as secure as rebooting because some program could be watching the network and logging everything.   I don’t recommend this as much but it is something useful if you are worried about getting a virus.

Don’t forget to use a VPN(Virtual Private Network)!

Now I already talked about some VPN’s for Ubuntu/Kubuntu but that doesn’t work with Windows or Macintosh, but I will talk about some alternatives for those who want to use Windows or Macintosh!

PublicVPN — This works with Macintosh and Windows but have not tried this so I am only showing alternatives and thus you will need to determine if this is right for your situation.

Hotspot Shield — This is one of the ones that I have used in the past and still recommend it and it now seems to work with Ipads and Apple products.

Android VPN — The Android Market Place has some great choices for several different VPN’s that may work well with your situation but I have yet to test them out and see which one is the best but yet this is something that may require some testing on your Android Device.

 Do you use a VPN?

This is something that I thought I would ask and thought I would ask it as a poll.   I would love to hear if you use a VPN and how much.   I encourage everyone to use a VPN when ever you are at a open wireless hotspot.


Paul Sylvester

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Techniques to remove malware from your domain!

Starfleet Officer Image by Sam Howzit via Flickr

Websites and domains!

I recently had to help my favorite club remove some malware off their website.   My club, Starfleet-command Quadrant One website, was one of those sites that didn’t see this coming.   As a website owner, I’ve seen many of things come and go but experience has taught me that it will always come back.  I will be watching for this again in the near future but hopefully it won’t come back!

The back story was something that I have to at least talk about because this is how the site got infected.

One reason that this site got infected was by being hosted with the same hosting server.  They were both using the Goddady shared hosting account to display their webpages or forums on the internet.   Thus Godaddy, with their infinite wisdom tried to explain it away as that.    I don’t know if I buy that reason or if there was something else that might of been the culprit but I do know this website had urls redirects and such to malware sites.  I much rather keep with Hostgator, then have Godaddy anyways.

Another Reason is that it was probably some kind of key logger, or something that was sending back the important password information to a Command and control server and thus the website owner was infected or someone in the organization that had access to the account was unintentionally allowing a hacker to gain access to the website.

Removing the Malware off your Site!

Nothing in the world is ever going to be easy, but it is necessary to get into the guts of the website.   Your probably thinking, websites don’t have guts.   You’d be wrong, when I thought about having to go through each part of the code and remove the html malware redirects that is what I mean by guts.      Many people will come to understand that as a programming language but I like to think of it as a doctor who does surgery to remove an infectedc limb or something like that.

So I’m going to give you a few areas to look at if your having this problem with Malware being on your site or domain.   It won’t always be the same place for the same infection but it will at least help you find it and remove it.

.htaccess — This is one place where they will first make changes to redirect traffic to the domain that they want your visitor to. If you have had much experience with what it does.   It is a good time to learn what they do and how to use them.


index.php or index.html— This is something that the hackers have learned to use but most often is over looked.   This is something that I haven’t seen before until now.   Certain browser will display the virus or malware warnings and others will not even see it or have any problems!   See example for more information, because I couldn’t do a better job then them!


Check Subdomains and subdirectories —   This is something that is also needs to be looked at.   even if they aren’t showing the signs of being being infected it is always a good idea to at least make sure they stay uninfected.   Check them for the .htaccess and index code and remove what you need or change it to where it should be going to in the first place.   I found the .htaccess redirect code all in subdomains and sub directories on the one that I helped to remove the infection from.


Change ALL passwords — This is a MUST, if you’ve been infected then your passwords are at risk of being the source of the infections.   Change your FTP Password, your log in information password, and anything associated with the site in question and possibility the subdomains passwords.


Limit the number of people with the new passwords — if your like me, you don’t want to many people to have the ftp password and thus you should consider only allowing a select number of people having it.   Like the organization I have, they have people left and right who use it to upload files and stuff that is needed.   It also might be required to just have a server that is used for nothing else but to upload files for publications and other things like that.



Nothing in the article is a must do or will get rid of your site being blocked by Google and other such search engines but it will at least give you a place to start looking to find culprit and maybe get your site running again quicker.   I will not make any guarantees that this will fix the problem or that it will solve your problem 100% but this is to be used as a tutorial on where to look and what you should do to prevent re-infections with malware.

 Paul Sylvester

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Scareware sites being sent through email!

setup_security_defender_622.exe Chrome Scareware site on a Linux system!

Don’t try this home!

If you are not careful you could easily get infected with spyware, or worms. I on the other hand know how to fix the problem if it happens or how to prevent it in the first place. I was using a live Kubuntu CD to do my test with the link that was given to me, so I didn’t have to worry to much about infections.  The URL which was given to me was “[Website]/wp-content/plugins/(random letters and numbers)“.   You could easily tell that it was just spam because there was no subject or anything else but a link in the email.   I did this a number a times and I got some very interesting websites:

  • (scareware site, See picture above)
  • (Canadian Pharmacy) [WHOIS]
  •  (Scareware site I think) [WHOIS]

Never Run an unexpected Program!

I knew this was scareware site because it automatically sent me a file “setup_security_defender_622.exe“.   I decided to check it out even more so I submitted to Jotti and you can see what they said by clicking the filename.   I also submitted it to the Virustotal to see what it said and I wasn’t surprised but again, you should never run programs that your not expecting.    This is a really old scareware tactic that is still being used today and your self be taken advantage of.

Antivirus is KEY!

To prevent viruses, if your on a computer you really should consider buying an Antivirus.  There is even Antivurs for Macintosh machines, and Linux if your interested.   I don’t know if you really need a Linux antivirus but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have it.   I think they are far behind Mac/Windows Antivurus programs but yet they are getting better.   You never really know what is needed in the future but you should be ready when it comes.

Which Antivirus Software do you use?

I am quite curious as to which you use when it comes to having an antivirus software.   By all means leave a comment and tell me which one you use or if you found another website that you have found, and I’ll investigate it and tell others about it.

Paul Sylvester

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Google doesn’t care about the small blogs!

Google Does it again!

I don’t know why Google is so hard to understand.   I don’t know if they are good but Gail over at Growmap thinks they may be evil.   I don’t know if they are but I am quite concerned what happened to my blog over the last weekend!  It all started with a dramatic drop in people coming to my site.   I had a dramatic drop of people who were coming to my site.   This is always how it is, when a blog starts to get popular, Google drops them in popularity.

Google Plus World without me!

I don’t know what happened but after all this has happened, people around the blogosphere are recommending an FTC Probe over this.   I know I am not the only one but this was a real drastic drop of people coming to my blog through Google.   I have decide that I will switch to Bing and still use Google’s Chrome.  This is after all a means to tell Google that I am not happy with there search results.

Google No more!

I encourage everyone else that reads this to change to another default search engine in your Web Browser and show Google that we are unhappy with there choice.   The Bloggers are what made themnd we can who they are today a we can make some other search engine better or bigger than them.  Until they change their tune and goes back to “DO NO EVIL” then maybe I will encourage people to go back to them.   I’ve worked hard for this blog and I support Gail’s Attempt over at Growmap’s site and I encourage others to go visit them and tell them I sent you!

Paul Sylvester

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