It has been talked about the last few days where there is a worm hitting the computers who haven’t done the Microsoft Update MS08-067 which was release out of cycle and still have some systems has not been patched. It has also been reported that it is spreading around the internet really quickly.  According to Computer World:
[ad#ad2-right]The worm, which was first reported by Panda and other security companies on Dec. 31, 2008, exploits a vulnerability in the Windows Server service that’s part of all currently supported versions of Microsoft’s operating system, including Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Server 2003 and Server 2008.
[via Computer World]
It seems Microsoft has scolded people who haven’t patched for the October emergency update. Accusing users of playing “Russian Roulette” and scolding them for not promptly updating their system to remove the vulnerability.
Symantec Blogged about this security of this program and how it was a variant of Downadup.b. It also talks about how they are seeing an even more increase on this worm that was supposed to be patched by people who use Windows 2000 Server.
[ad#ad2-left]F-secure did a post about Downadup/Conflicker and how they took an Preemptive domain block list for this worm.  They have also seen an increase in this worm and they are trying to prevent this worm from gaining ground.  Talking about this being a network worm, in more ways then one. Some have even seen it being sent through USB drives.  If you have a system you want to protect you should stop autorun.
Here are some links to better help you get this worm off your system:
- Virus Removal Tools
- >W32.Downadup.B removal help
- F-Secure has the removal tools to remove this Worm.
- XP Geek Has a great post about manually removing this worm>
In order to remove this worm, you must do a complete system scan with any of the free virus scanning programs. You’ll need to update your virus database before you do the scan. You may even want to try the free virus scanners tha are online to get rid of this worm.  These should help you get rid of this worm, but you must remember to install the update or you will get the worm again. The MS08-067 Patch should be installed as soon as possible you can find the patch here.