If your working to get rid of this Downadup Worm, F-secure is giving out a free removal tool to help with that task.  According to F-Secure Worm:W32/Downadup.gen description which Talks about how bad this worm is.
[ad#ad2-right]Due to companies not updating the MS 08-067 patch, it is the primary way for this worm to get onto a system.
Graham Cluely’s Blog ask a question and got quite a few answers from the users. The results of the poll are 53% believe the hackers are to blame, and 30% think the System Administrators are to blame, and 17% think Microsoft is to blame for this worm.
I have a mix feelings over who is to be blamed for this worm. I think the person who wrote this, did it for a specific reason. We can’t expect any software we use to be 100% safe, even Macintosh are not 100% safe. Microsoft isn’t to be blamed because they tried to patch this as quickly as they could. I know that companies have a hard time keeping up with Microsoft updates, and they really can’t be blamed. I think Hackers are always going to make a virus just because they can. That’s in there nature and we will never be really rid of the virus or worm writers. They are in it for the Money, to boast, to take control of, or steal sensitive information. Windows being the Alpha Dog, people are always going to test the waters because of that.
So who do you think is to be blamed? I’d like to hear your thoughts on this.
1) End Users |
If you think someone else is to be blamed just make a comment.
Please bear in mind that this poll is not scientific and is provided for information purposes only. The comments expressed on this page are those of a subsection of poll participants, and not necessarily those of Tech-linkblog. Tech-linkblog makes no guarantees about the accuracy of the results other than that they reflect the choices of the users who participated.