In there latest post F-secure has updated how many people are infect and I’ll quote:
Today’s calculation is a total of 8,976,038 infections worldwide and 353,495 unique IP addresses.
That’s a quite a big difference compared to our last number — there will be a follow up post coming soon to explain the methodology.
[Via F-secure]
F-secure has noticed it went up from 3,521,230 infections worldwide. This Worm has doubled in over a day. So I have done some twitter searching to see if anyone has recently tweeted about this and I find this one comment:
WTF? suddenly my antivirus is popping with warnings about a W32.Downadup.B … but I havent received any attachs or installed anything!
[Via Twitter Mklopez]
I’d thought I show you how important it is for you to get ready for a very hard fight ahead of yourselves. You see this hasn’t even begun with this worm.
Here’s are some of the tweets:
2 customers, have this conflicker.worm problem and we are trying every possible solution but nothing turned out to be solved
[Via Twitter Candegger]
@carnal0wnage Hey happy new year, what malware one of my clients just had a large outbreak of the conflicker virus, pretty good virus
[Via twitter MarcoFigueroa]
[ad#ad2-right]This worm doesn’t need to be downloaded because it will use exploits that are currently unpatched in the systems . This worm seems to be spreading by USB sticks and you should really turn that off. If you think you’ve gotten this virus, please check out my Malware Resources and also some of the other post about this worm:
- Blasting the Downadup.b/Conflicker back to the stone age
- Admins are shaking in there boots due to the MS 09-001 Patch
- How to disable autorun the easy way!!! — To prevent Virus attacks from a USB Drive.
I hope these resources help you fight that worm and help people get your system back to normal.
Check out my other Posts about Conflicker/Downadup Worm.