What you need to understand!
Writing isn’t an art per say, but it is something that grounds us into who we are today. I know I have lost a lot but also I know I’ve gained alot since I was 21 years old. That is why I’m making this post, not just for me but to help you connect with me the steps I did and why it was so heart wrenching that I’d have to post about it. Nothing in this post will be talking about technology but it will be somewhat related to technology. After all, if I wasn’t born this website would not exist. So in a way I guess it is talking about technology.
The Wonder Years!
When I was a boy, I thought like a boy. When I was a teen, I thought like a teen. When I was 21, I had great expectations and hopes and dreams. Nothing in my wildest dreams would I of known where I would be when I was 21, where I am now. That is the what usually happens when your young. You got all these things you would like to do or see and they just don’t turn out the way you planned.
I got out of High school and was planning to go to college. I was actually just about to start college when I met a certain girl. We will call her “A“. It was a whirl wind romance, fell in love and didn’t really have time to think about the future we got into this really well so well, she was pregnant before we were even married. We had Three beautiful kids and I adore them every chance I get. The problem with this marriage is we never got along and that might be the fact we never really communicated the way we should of. I am not going to say it was all her fault, that would be wrong on my part. We both had something to do with this because it does take two to make a baby.
The Marriage Years!
I’ve already talked about Eight things you didn’t know about me. It was however a small amount about me. I was and am still concerned some security but I also would like to share with you my life experience in hopes that you don’t make the same mistakes as I have. Me and my Ex-wife, yes you heard it right, would always yell and argue with me over the stupidest stuff. I think we sometimes just argued just to communicate. She expected all this stuff from me and I guess I did the same thing back. I just know that communication is the one thing that if I ever get married again, I will find someone who believes as I do and wants to communicate and not just stay on the computer all the time. This was a problem for both of us, I guess we didn’t really want to communicate. I really shouldn’t say didn’t because it was more of a inability to communicate is more like it. We never while dating ever really communicated and thus it made our marriage that much harder to deal with.
Single Years again!
Well myself, I just hope you see what you have to go through in the next 15 years and to hopefully learn some very important lessons. When you finally start to date again, I hope you learn to communicate and talk to your next mate. This way you can know just how well you will do with this person and maybe even find your soul mate. I just hope you find someone to cuddle with and be happy with. You deserve to be happy and I know how that feels. Please understand that the search for this mysterious women is a long process, but when you find that one person it will be worth it. Please keep laughing and don’t forget to stop and smell the roses!
Paul Sylvester