WordPress 2.7 is available.

Having installed the latest update, I must say this new dashboard is quite good.  I love the new dashboard.  So lets take a quick look at what you can do:

wordpress27-dashClick Image to View it in full screen!!

After I installed it, this is what it was like.   I then decided to change it around to show you what it looks like now.  You have the option of changing the right row and also the windows to where you want.  Like this:

wordpress27-dash1Click Image to view it full screen.

As you can see you can change so much stuff on the dashboard it is like having your own very wordpress operating system on your system.   You can customize what you want where you want.   I like this new look.   I’d thought I show you the WordPress 2.7 Dashboard and show just how nice this looks.   I want to hear everyone  thoughts on this new dashboard do you like it or hate it?

[ad#ad2-right]My Opinion is this is so nice and easy for the blogger and people who use the Podpress, it makes it even easier and quicker.  Oh and you can now use Google Gears to speed up the dashboard so you don’t have to wait for the page to load.   You can also use it offline and post it online when you get a signal.  That is  my understanding of Google Gears although I’ve not tested that part out.  I am almost sure you could do that with WordPress.