How do I get people to come to my blog?
This comes with some problems and some answers. Finding something that your passionate about is one way to get other people who are passionate about the same thing to come find your blog. The only problem is that you create a single group of people who are at your blog for a single reason. Having been doing the Hulu clues, I’ve seen that and understand that will happen. I am trying to get people to stay at my site is the hardest part of having what I call a point of entry campaign. I know most of them will see my site and go do something else. I almost expect that but I know I will keep a few people who like what they see and want to keep seeing this type of stuff. I never expect to keep everyone who comes to my blog. I expect I’ll probably keep around 10% or so from just doing the point of entry campaign.
Stats are always going to say something different with each site and owner, it is something that is going to be valuable to a degree. It however doesn’t tell the full story, it only tells a part of the story. People will always have opinions on stats and it will always be different from one person to the other. I will never base my site on just stats alone. I base it on the community.
Will these people stay after Hulu clues are over?
I’ll be truthful, I am not going to say one way or the other. It is like a wave of people and it will always be that way!! People are always going to come and go, it’s something you should never take personally like you’ve done something to get people to leave and others to come to your site. Some bloggers think it is bad to loose people, most of the time it is something that will eventually happen. It happens because people are human and like change. Change is something that will happen and most bloggers know this.
Does it depend on my site server?
Having a reliable server is something that helps get people to come to your site. I remember having a free blogger account and if I get hit with 100 people doing a search for something and them all trying to go to my site almost all at the same time, my site couldn’t handle it. Unlike who I have today. [insert ad] If you have a powerful server who can take the web hits and be reliable, that is how you succeed in having a blog.