Lately in the past few weeks, I’ve had several Advertisers come to me wanting to advertise for there clients. I’d thought I share you some of my experiences, in the hopes, that you too can get advertisers to come to you so I’d come up with some steps to better help you;
- Don’t use — Yep that’s right, after recently moving from blogger to WordPress. I’ve found that after the move, I’d start getting more people coming to my site. I don’t know if it was something I did or if it was the platform that got me more business. I think most advertisers think blogger is for amatuers or people who aren’t interested in revenues.
- Content is the Key — Having spent the last few months thinking how I can get people to come to my blog. I’ve found this out. If you make content that is specific to your area and not try to repeat what everyone else is saying you can get a high volume of people to come to you site. I’ve also learned that Google is your friend and you need to use it to you fullest abilities.
- Social Media is the Key — That’s right find sites that are social media and use them for the fullest. Some of my favorites are: Friendfeed, Disqus, Seesmic, Furl, Technorati, Twitter, Youtube, Tumblr, Plurk, and Facebook. Although this isn’t the complete list this is quite a few and you will need to socialize as much as possible to get people to come to you site.
- Don’t be afraid to get your own ads — Yes your are correct you don’t have to wait for them to come to do you. You can go to them. Find some ad-services that will work for you and sign up. Some of the ones I’ve checked out are Google Adsense, Crispads, and Commission Junction. Having ads are your site lets advertisers know you are interested in having ads.
- Have an About me Page — Although this seems the simplest of them all. Having that will have them be able to get a hold of you if they would like to offer some sort of advertisement on your site. It does not have to be complete. It does however, have to have a way for advertisers to contact you in case they are wanting to communicate with you.
There ofcourse is more to the story but this will begin your journey into the world of ad revenues. It is to be expected to have some bumps in the road, however hard or soft. If you can get past the first few months with your newly created blog, and you start creating content, you will start to get ads coming your way. If you have other suggestions on how to get ad revenues please feel free in leaving a comment and I’ll check it out.