Clues of the ages unearthed! June 28 – Aug 1

I just got the new clues and thought we would talk about them this time:

  1. Monday ” A Spanish eye opener.”
  2. Tuesday “ A Shakespearean tragic comedy.
  3. Wednesday ” A doc famously snubbed by Oscar.
  4. Thursday ” Dwayne goes to Egypt”
  5. Friday “We’re mad about this one.


I will update as needed when more becomes available!! So Keep watching this link!!

So what does this mean.  I’ve got some of these figured out.  When I’ve figured out the others I’ll post them!!

  1. Abre los ojos | Lionsgate {Translated it is “Open Your Eyes”}
  2. The Winter’s Tale (1981) | PBS[OR] Shakespeare in Love | Universal [OR] Romeo and Juliet | 20th Century Fox Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog [Web Exclusive] | Mutant Enemy
  3. My Favorite Year (1982) | MGM Hoop Dreams | Cast | PBS
  4. The Scorpion King | Universal
  5. Mad Men Season 2 | Lionsgate [OR] Mad About You | NBC

As you can see I’ve not figured out two of them.  If you can help let me know.  Please feel free in leaving a comment.  You can also visit the about me and help me figure those two out!!  All these are just spectulation but I’m pretty sure the ones I’ve figured out are going to come out.


Thanks to all who suggested these on the comments.  If you have any better ones for the others please put it in the comments sections and talk about it.  I’ll will be updating for those who want to watch this as it comes by  day by day!!

For Tuesday: Someone suggested it might also be Shakespeare In Love, I do not know which one so I’ll let you discuss this in the community!! I was told by my Wife that they had clips on Romeo and Juliet.  I figured I’d share this one with you too.  I don’t think it is a comedy but wife says so.  I figured I put this up and say this is a definate possiblity since they have the clips up right now!!  What do you think?

It seems that suggestion from Sunday was right.  They just translated it to english.  I will update as necessary!!



Although, I like Neil Patrick Harris acting abilitility. I don’t see how this could be “A Shakespearean tragic comedy”.  I was thinking the above would of been my idea.  I don’t know exactly who thought of these hints but they aren’t always the best.  Can someone explain how this movie is like the hint? I’m totally confused on that!!


Again the clues don’t match what came out.  I put in the cast list from IMDB and as you can see there is no Doctor in there? Or anyone who is nickname is Doc?  I haven’t watched the film.  Is there a Doc in there that isn’t on the Cast list?


Thanks to Laura for that great tip on today.  It wasn’t me who figured this out it was her.  So I thought I would give her the credit that is due to her.  Great job Laura!!


Not sure what they are going to bring out today.  It will probably be
later today after 4pm PST or so.  I guess something fell through! Just got home from work and I am guessing they had a system problem.  Now it’s saying Mad Men Season 2.  I thought so!!  keep checking for new clues for the next one!!


  1. I'm thinking Monday's add will be “Abre Sus Ojos”, the original Spanish version of Vanilla Sky, and I am nervous that Friday's may not be Mad Men (which I would love it to be) but is rather going to be Mad About You. NBC has already added shows from its lineup, and AMC has yet to do so. Well, see you later.

  2. You could be right, the Monday's Idea might be the “Abre Sus Ojos” Movie though. It was distributed by Lions Gate.

  3. I didn't see THAT one coming at all. I want to know how that can be used with the clue they gave us? Who writes these clues?

  4. The Friday clue could be Network. I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore!

  5. For the Hoop Dreams clue, I believe that “Doc” refers to “Documentary.”

  6. I think what they meant by “doc” was “documentary”. It is a documentary that was nominated for an Oscar, and apparently snubbed because it was nominated in Editing, not Documentary. If you look it up on wiki (“ rel=”nofollow”> it has a paragraph on the criticism the Academy received for not nominating it in the Documentary category.

    But I haven't seen it either ha. That's my interpretation.

    New to the blog here, and I love it!

  7. I was thinking it was someone who played a Doctor or was a Doctor. Oh well, I am sure this isn't the first time I was wrong and it won't be the last time!!

  8. Just watch Dr Horrible and you will understand the clue.

    It is very Shakespearian in its structure:

    1. It is in Three Acts
    2. It's a Comedy
    3. It has a Tragic, and very ironic, Ending

  9. Just watch Dr Horrible and you will understand the clue.

    It is very Shakespearian in its structure:

    1. It is in Three Acts
    2. It's a Comedy
    3. It has a Tragic, and very ironic, Ending

  10. Just watch Dr Horrible and you will understand the clue.

    It is very Shakespearian in its structure:

    1. It is in Three Acts
    2. It's a Comedy
    3. It has a Tragic, and very ironic, Ending

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