Apple decides to install mobile Me, without permission!!
The latest update to Itunes also installs this little program into the preference control panel of your Vista Premium operating system. It has me irritated by it. I didn’t ask about this or want this to be in the installed. So what does this mean?
Apple expects everyone to pay 99$/Year for this service!
Yes that’s right. If you use Itunes, Apple expects you to have an IPOD or a mac. That also makes me mad. I don’t want that on my system. I am sure you also would like to get rid of that too, so here is how!!
Uninstall Apple Mobile Devices from your add/remove programs section.
[Classic View] Start > Control Panel > Program & Features> Find Apple Mobile Devices and Click Uninstall
Start > Control Panel > Uninstall programs > Find Apple Mobile Devices and Click Uninstall
After you uninstall the program just refresh your control panel screen by pressing F5 or right click and click refresh. It should disappear.
Should Apple be allowed to install that without permission?
I say no, I would like them to address this issue. I don’t want to have to keep uninstalling this Apple Mobile Device program every time they have an update. I could not update the software but that means I’d be leaving myself to vulnerabilities.
What are you thoughts on this little problem??
I am asking my readers what they think about this? Do you think this is a security flaw? You think someone could hack into your account with just a robot. Does it remain active if you are using it but restart the computer or do you have to put in the password every time it boots? These are just the questions that I have. What’s your questions?
*Side Note*
If you have an I-POD or an I-Phone, I am not sure what this will do with syncing so if you have any problems you should just be able to reinstall Itunes and should work. This is for people like me or doesn’t have an I-Pod or I-Phone. If you do unistall it and have this let me know how it works by leaving a comment.