Photo by mohamed_hassan from PxHere
I received this Text
Hi, my name is Nyla Lucas and I am a Recruiter at Conill Advertising & Media.
Our company is looking for online part-time employees, job certification is easy and free
Can be done with any schedule you have, even on the weekends
Can I send you job details?
I can only guess what the purpose of this part-time job or Full Time Job is. After saying I would like more information this is what this number sent me. I won’t say this isn’t too original to say the least.
Requirements: Age 22 and above. We offer part-time ($80-300/hour) and full-time ($1800-3800/month) positions. All you need to do is help them optimize the hotel, increase occupancy rate, exposure and ranking, and attract more Many locals and tourists stay here. Flexible application options are available that can be adjusted to fit your schedule. No contract or investment is required; free training is also provided. Part-time and full-time flexible jobs available, with the option to work from home. If you’re interested, I’ll give you more information, okay?
If it’s Too good to be true?
Let me say this once and for all after this text, I started getting red flags everywhere.  At the most I haven’t even could imagine making 80 to 300 dollars an hour.  Let alone for a part time position and we are to optimize and increase occupancy rate, and even raking.  How would that even work.  So I went on the web and started to deep dive into this type of job.  I however am sure it is just a scam but let’s first understand that they are trying to get me to use WhatsApp and draw me away from sending text messages.  That’s my first question, the next questions is who is “Conill Advertising & Media” and why would they want to increase the revenue of these hotels.  I found some more examples of this company on Reddit. I don’t know if this is just an AI putting in random people’s name or if they are real people.  After deep diving into the name of the person who it claims to be, I am a bit concerned. Nyla Lucas which has a felony and ther such things on her record was the first person to show up in Google. Now let’s not go saying this Nyla Lucas is the same one but I suspect that if it was a different one then I wouldn’t be using that exact name while trying to recruit people.  I went to the Reddit post and checked out other users name that claimed to be doing the same thing and I found these are high profile people, so I must conclude that most of these are people are just using these name to guile people into this scam. Either way, let me remind people if it is too good to be true, then any usually isn’t something you want.
Thanks to another Reddit Post, this does seem to be a scam.  Please be careful and don’t fall for these types of scam, because you need your money to survive. If they ever require you to pay for something and promising to pay you back than that is another red flag and don’t accept anything that might be Crypto Currency such as USDT which one person from the Reddit Post comments is how they will pay you.  I am not sure why people try these sort of things but I do know they aren’t going to get me on this type of scam. I usually ask a lot of questions about this and try to find my answer way before they can get any money from me.  Remember the old scam I got years ago which came in as a check. That one I will never forget because it was truly one of those that almost got me until I read what they wanted me to do.  I blog about this stuff so you don’t have to loose your money and get caught loosing money.